This is the latest on how I planned to run em T5. I planned to run the KZ Fiji and Aquablue Special whenever the MH is on and depending how the color goes, will keep the Actinic Blue and Actinic Blue+ on an hour before/after Mh only for the dusk/dawn effect!!
I will also be ordering ATI ProColor and might just replace 1 x KZ Fiji Purple with ATI ProColor to get the red/pink in the total spectrum if it’s too blue
Thinking of the following photoperiod schedule to slowly acclimatized my corals to the new lightings, which is a lot more PAR compare to my existing lightings:
• Week 1: 8 hours T5/ 2 hours MH
• Week 2: 8 hours T5/ 2.5 hours MH
• Week 3: 8 hours T5/ 3 hours MH
• Week 4: 8 hours T5/ 3.5 hours MH
• Week 5: 8 hours T5/ 4.5 hours MH
• Week 6: 8 hours T5/ 5 hours MH
• Week 7: 8 hours T5/ 5.5 hours MH
• Week 8: 8 hours T5/ 6 hours MH
Any thoughts guys?? My current Mh bulb is 250w XM 10k on e-ballast running for 8 hours/day.
Do you think I can start off with 4 hours of MH or stick to 2 hours to be on the safe side?? My above proposal seems very conservative and ideally I would like to start off at 4 hours?
Marc……I know you used LB reflector as well â€"œ can you advice if this is the best way to acclimatize my corals to the new lights?? I really want to avoid putting layers of screens under the new lightings, or moving them too much to the sand, unless I REALLY has no other choice