Eric's Red Sea Reefer 525XL Build

More pictures are coming soon!!!! Not much to show now as not much has change. Im still working on the right side of the cabinet where my controller is so hopefully I get the last piece of the puzzle this week so that I can finish it and upload a few pics. Don't get too excited thought, nothing crazy going on the right side. Just a basic layout thats organized and neat.
I ended up ordering a SCA 50 instead of the the reefer 170., partly cost and partly dimentions.

I'd like to add an external electrical cabinet to save space in the already cramped stand. With that said I'm really fooking forward to seeing what your plans are. I know mine won't be nearly as sexy in the sump as what you're doing but I want it to be as clean as possible. Your work is an inspiration to many!!!

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Well I pulled the trigger on a Reefer 450. Turned out to be even better than slightly used. Was purchased by someone and they never put one drop of water in it. I got a killer deal on it. Now it's time to go to work on it. If you don't mind me asking what fitting did you use to connect to the reefers return fitting. Did you just remove the barb fitting and use a 3/4 mpt x 1" slip? If so any issues with it leaking?
Well I pulled the trigger on a Reefer 450. Turned out to be even better than slightly used. Was purchased by someone and they never put one drop of water in it. I got a killer deal on it. Now it's time to go to work on it. If you don't mind me asking what fitting did you use to connect to the reefers return fitting. Did you just remove the barb fitting and use a 3/4 mpt x 1" slip? If so any issues with it leaking?

Thanks correct. I used a 3/4" mpt to 1" slip fitting. On the 3/4" side I used teflon tape, went around the threads about 14 times. When you screw it in make sure it goes in straight and don't over tightened it because you can crack the Red Sea fitting. That's what everybody does and it does not leak, however I like to overdo things so I grabbed a q-tip and smeared pvc cement on the inside of the Red Sea fitting where both fittings meet. This will parent water from ever slipping through the threads. Not likely to happen but I rather be safe than sorry.
I ended up ordering a SCA 50 instead of the the reefer 170., partly cost and partly dimentions.

I'd like to add an external electrical cabinet to save space in the already cramped stand. With that said I'm really fooking forward to seeing what your plans are. I know mine won't be nearly as sexy in the sump as what you're doing but I want it to be as clean as possible. Your work is an inspiration to many!!!

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Haha thank you! If I had put the tank on a longer wall I would have probably put some sort of cabinet on the side to hide an ATO reservoir and also for storage of additives and supplies. These stands don't have a lot of extra room.
Haha thank you! If I had put the tank on a longer wall I would have probably put some sort of cabinet on the side to hide an ATO reservoir and also for storage of additives and supplies. These stands don't have a lot of extra room.
My plan is to build a small cabinet on the right side for electronic storage and wire tucking g and on the left side make a second cabinet for an ATO that will double as a stand for either QT or a plumbed in frag tank.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
Today I borrowed an Apogee PAR meter from a friend to see what the Powermodule is putting out! Well now I know how this fixture gets the nickname of "PAR Monster" :)

Fixture is approximately 12-14" off the surface. T5's are set at 100% and Led's at 75%.

Measurements taken on the sandbed are touching the sand and approximately 3-4" off the front glass. The rest are on different spots on the rock work so not all are the same distance from the front. MP40's were turned off to help with the number fluctuating due to the surface agitation.

Reefer 525XL PAR by Reefer525XL, on Flickr
Not much to update on other than the tank so far is coming along great. A few weeks back I did get a little bit of algae on the rocks and sandbed but most of it is gone now. Also the rocks are starting to get some color and are not ugly white anymore.

FTS from today 04/05/17

Reefer 525XL -4-05-2017-2 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr

I also received these 4 frags from WWC today. Here is a quick cellphone pic from when I was dipping them. Not that WWC is known to have pest but its better to be safe than sorry.


and lastly I finally was able to somewhat finish the electronics side, while not as "fancy" as the sump area it works for me and it keeps most of the wires tucked and hiding away while giving some room to store by 2-part dosing reservoirs and other additives.

Reefer 525XL -4-05-2017 by Reefer525XL, on Flickr
Why did you use to support that shelf on the electrical side? There is not much meat in the wood to drill. Have you ever visited WWC? I really would like to get down there.
Why did you use to support that shelf on the electrical side? There is not much meat in the wood to drill. Have you ever visited WWC? I really would like to get down there.

I think the side panels of the stand are 3/4" thick. I drilled a 1/4" hole half in deep and inserted a shelf pin into the holes to hold the shelf.


  • Rok-Hardware-1-4-L-Shaped-Shelf-Support-Nickel-25-Pack-51ffbcfc-ed8c-4753-b279-4c3cfab96013_600.jpg
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Quick 3 minute video of the tank and some of the fish, enjoy! Watch in HD :)

P.S. Egg crate is temporary, will be removed soon :)

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