farmed maximas under NO light


New member
I was at the lfs the other day where they just got some really cool 2 inch farmed maximas. I knew that T. Max are the second light demanding clams just under T.croceas. In any case I began a dicussions with the owner about the clams and about the lighting requirments and to my surprise he stated that these farm raised maximas would do fine under strong NO lights, i.e. ODNO, without any significant loss in color in a the tank 12 inches deep because they were farmed and not wild caught. These max are not deep blue ones (which I understood require more intense light) but rather more of a purple color with golden blothes and a blue rim. Can anybody confirm that farm raised clams do well under strong NO light or has tried this?
He (the lfs) is simply trying to get your money. He is full of sh!t.

Farm raised, wild caught all have the same requirments.

He (the lfs) should be ashamed of themselves, but they are not.
.I suggest you tell him where to stick his sea salt.

Normally i would agree, but this guy is always pretty good with his advice and really cares about his livestock. I also did a bit of searching on the net and I found another canadian site that sell maximas which also says they will be ok under VHO. Since ODNO are close to VHO outputs, I guess his advice is possible. I know everybody is going to tell me mh is the only choice for maximas, but I have read on some RC threads that a depths less than 12 inches, NO (at least ODNO) will have a par close to MH. So has anybody actually kept maxmas under ODNO or VHO sucessfully?
Sorry, but I agree with Rob. That guy is full of it.

Taking the advice of a LFS over someone who specializes in clams (Rob) would be foolish IMO.

And NO (even overdriven) does not have a PAR close to halides at any depth.
Saying vho without commenting on watts is like saying metal halide is good for a 4 ft deep tank. Leaving out that it is only a 70 watt mh, is a serious oversight. If it is a 1000 watt halide it becomes a true statement.

VHO is very possible, but it is going to have to be a certain amonut of vho. A single 2 ft vho is worthless when it comes to keeping clams.

I suppose if you could put 400 to 500 watts of normal output your clam would live. Live not thrive, and would be in serious need of secondary feedings of live phytoplankton.

The mere fact that this person who normally gives good advice, has given you this particular advice only states that maybe he may be ignorant of the facts.

I used to keep both maxima's and crocea's under 4 x 96 watt power compact for a few years, and had no problems. I did however keep the clams high in the tank.

As far as the par relationship comparing no, or odno to metal halide is just redicilous. Even if you had 400 watts of no bulbs, vs a single 400 watt halide, the par would not even be close. A halide with point direct light is very intense. The no's light would be very spreadout and do little good other than spending electricity.

Best of luck.

ps gophia, what kind of lights do you have on your tank?
I totally agree with "Rob". Maxima and Croceas are the most light demanding clams sold on the market.

Even if the clam was farm raised doesn't mean that the lighting requirements are different.

For example, i use to have a Saq under VHOs for 2 years. It showed very little signs of growth. About 1/8-1/4". In the past 2 years after buying MH. My Saq has grown an additional 1.2" to it's shell.

Clams may survive under VHOs or PC, but they will thrive under MHs.
Guys don'y get me wrong. I agree ODNO are not enought light and agree with Rob. I just wanted to know if you guys agree with this lfs and if there was any truth to it. I certainly didn't believe it when he told me that's why I was asking. I don't intend to buy any clams, I just sparked a conversation with him when I saw them. I'm really more into fish.

Rob, read this thread about ODNO lux output and mh (if you haven't already). I meant to write lux not par.

I any case we agree that the lfs guy might have tried a quick one on me.
It may live, but it certainly won't do well.
And remember, clams make a serious mess of your water when they bite the bucket...
I wouldnt attempt it. Because:

I kept the following under Normal Output Fluoros: Crocea and Maximas. Now the Crocea simply didnt do well. I returned it as soon as I noticed the clam loosing colour. The Maxima however did ok for more than a year. It was a little over 3inches when I got it. It was a dark purple colour with metallic blue lines. Kinda like the one you describe I guess.

The clam did grow, but growth was very slow. Overall it didnt look as healthy as clams in tank with better lighting.

There were 4 tubes of light. The lights were 1inch from surface of water. Clam was situated about 6 inches from lights. So pretty close.

I no longer have the clam as I sold it when I took down my nano tank.

IMO the clam only managed to cope with the amount of light given. Wasnt enough to thrive or even close.

So yes, you could go ahead and try it. But your clam may only live for a year at most. Honestly its not worth it.

I now have a metal halide and T5 combined lights on my new tank and the only clam I have there at the moment is a derasa clam. I can tell you the metal halides make a real differance.

A derasa clam or squamosa can be kept successfully under VHO as these are more powerful.

I would upgrade your lighting to MH or if you still want to keep a clam under NO lights get a derasa clam and see how it goes with that.

The LFS keep may be honest and think the clam would be fine under NO but rely on the experiance of thousands of hobbyists who have tried before.

Hope that helps. Good luck with whichever you decide.