Finally got my tank up last night - dialup beware, big pics

That stand does look very nice. I also was confused, I have AGA Megaflow Sump 4. :) Still, in that tight of a space, I'd just use a ball of chaeto to supplement that LR for the fuge. Silicone was ugly you think? Who cares looks great to me if it works. I'd use a black background too -- but realize that unless you're going to continually scrape it (not going to happen) or have phosphate in the water column to impede it (maybe, depends on bioload, feeding, husbandry) you will have a pink / purple back within a year or so anyway -- coraline...
Just realized that I'm looking at different pictures than this afternoon. LMAO. I was wondering how anyone was seeing the stand in the old shots, thought I was losing my mind. Stand awesome, if I'm being honest I liked the aquascape better before -- more character, less wall-like.
hehe, I retook the pictures after adding the rest of the live rock I had, plus figured out the camera a little more to get better pictures. I liked the rock better before also, I will probably move it around some more to try to get it more like it was. Was running out of options though with the additional rock. I really do not like the wall look either, I really liked how I had it. I will figure out something. :)

The return pump is a mag 9.5 Goblinfish.
Awesome rocks. Love the sump. I have been trying to figure out how to put a refugium in my 30G sump. Now I know. How did you get the partitions for the baffles? How long do you have to let the silicone dry before adding water? I think a background is going to make that tank look amazing! :fun4:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6958796#post6958796 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jamie2337
Awesome rocks. Love the sump. I have been trying to figure out how to put a refugium in my 30G sump. Now I know. How did you get the partitions for the baffles? How long do you have to let the silicone dry before adding water? I think a background is going to make that tank look amazing! :fun4:

I went to lowes and got a sheet of 1/4" acryic. I cut 6 pieces to the right size and siliconed them in place. I used GE Silicone II for windows and doors, clear. the silicone does not bond with the acrylic all that well, so you have to put large beads on each edge of the acrylic to hold it in place. After about 24 hours it was cured and ready to use.
rearranged the rock a little and added black background.

Looks nice.
A couple of questions/suggestions:

1) move rocks off the tank walls. rock stacked against the glass will create dead spots in the tank and eventually could lead to algae problems.

2) as much water as you have in your sump, will it overflow in a power outage? your return plumbing (loc-line) looks like it goes fairly deep in your tank. unless you have drilled siphon breaks in the return plumbing, your tank will drain down to the bottom of the loc-line.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6975973#post6975973 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rendos
Looks nice.
A couple of questions/suggestions:

1) move rocks off the tank walls. rock stacked against the glass will create dead spots in the tank and eventually could lead to algae problems.

2) as much water as you have in your sump, will it overflow in a power outage? your return plumbing (loc-line) looks like it goes fairly deep in your tank. unless you have drilled siphon breaks in the return plumbing, your tank will drain down to the bottom of the loc-line.

Hey there,

The only rock on the walls is the stuff on the left side, the rocks on the right are off the front and back glass, well mainly off the back glass, there is one rock about 4" from the sand surface that touches the glass. If I end up having algae problems I will certaintly change some things around

I have pulled power and it does not overflow, comes about 2" from the top of the sump, but I will test it again, as I did adjust the nozzles on the return line, maybe I will just drill a hole an inch or so below the water surface in the nozzles to prevent it from draining that much.

thanks for the suggestions.