Finding lost fish stories


New member
Man its sooo weird.

Currently have a 12 gallon long with just one firefish. He was doing great and out in the open 80% of the day. About 8 days ago, he didn't come out with the lights on.

Immediately looked behind the tank - nothing.
Took apart the rocks waiting for a fish to float up - nothing.
Maybe he jumped and the dog got him? Nothing strange on the webcam.

I just walked in the door today and he's swimming around - brighter and happier than ever. Threw some food in and he ate it up.

So freakin strange but very happy :dance:

8 days? little strange - no?
What the heck was he doing that long?
Rescued a yellow tail tamerin wrasse from a uneducated dealer at macna last year who had him in a dt without sand for three days ...he had trauma to the cartilage around his mouth...took him home medicated for 24 hours and immediately put him in with plenty of sand ....didn't see him for 2 months then one day saw him barley under a layer of sand breathing heavy but alive ...then the next day as I was walking out to work and the tank was dark and he was out...I immediately fed him and from that time forward he stayed out just a little longer and a little longer till he was out all day long ...easily one of my fav fish

Lucky.. i lost a pair of starry blennys that easily became my favorite fish after a few months they disappeared and i never found them again. I think they mightve got into the pourous rock and possibly got stuck in there some how.
Just came across a sea cucumber i put in my tank about 4 months ago or so. Yesterday was the first time i saw it since putting it in.
I got a leopard wrasse 3 months ago and it disappeared. Last week I saw it swimming around while the lights were off. Now it disappeared again lol
Porcelain crab put in about a month ago, disappeared after a couple days. Then I found it's molt but at that time thought it died. Last night found him out and about when the lights were out lol
How did we go from "Lost FISH tales" to I put a snail in 6 months ago and I saw the shell crawling around last week LMAO .....
I had a 10 gallon with a yellow watchman goby. He disappeared after 4 months and I didn't see him for another 10 months or so. When I was breaking down the tank and went to dump all the rock rubble out of the overflow box, I saw him flopping around in the dirt outside my house.
It was crazy
I had my first coral, Pulsing xenia, lost for about a week. It wasn't attached to anything when I bought it and one day I saw it attached to the back end of the frag later. It was weird.

Now I cannot get rid of the damn thing. It has grown into about 10 different hand size xenias. Some disappeared ( for good ), others reattach in different places.
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Bought 2 blue damsels to test my first cycled water. Ended up with one... Never found so much as a scale of the other one.