FIRE SALE !!! lots of corals and stuff for sale.

ill post a pic of the zoas in my tank as soon as they open up. Every time I put something new in the tank, my cleaner shrimp thoroughly harras it (clean it) then when they get bored they let it open
its weird in a good way knowing that they are going to good homes will be taken care of and are appreciated.
no looks like i have big lobo brain, one of the closed brains, aussie blastos, several sps frags, whatever isnt sold by friday will be donated to one of my good friends girlfriend, she bought a 150 tall from someone a couple months back and could use some stuff. donating jays stuff and other things to her afterwards. i might go into this more in detail cuz she would appreciate and need some help with whatever this great club can offer her. shes in school and just got engaged to my buddy. so hasnt had alot of money to get cool stuff yet.

but if someone is looking to get some sps frags and the other stuff i have left let me know now, starting at 10 bucks.
see this guys with me. haha

and yes more corals gone, but it will be worth it in the end.

still available
closed brain helmet shape $35
big lobo brain $35
random sps frags starting at $10
ill figure out how to get hairy mushrooms purple mushrooms back off the rocks, thinking of keeping the ricordeas. to leave something in the 20l.
I wouldnt mind picking up some stuff from you Pedro, especially the brains. Don't think i can make it down there till next week though. This is the final week of school and so much crap going on. Your giving it all away on friday? I think that is great. I have been loosely following your thread here on STARS since you started your tank, why are you abandoning all your corals? You seemed so excited....
well ill tell the story again jay, the original plan for the tank was pure sps, then buying here and there as i cant help myself led me thinking i was either gonna fill this tank up with whatever, or put it all in my 20 gallon long, well looking at all i got it was gonna be too much for the 20, so knowing myself i was gonna set up a 40-60 gallon cube. well that was gonna be the wrong path money wise since my 90 isnt what i want it to be yet. so im sacrificing these corals for the greater good. i will use these funds to help purchase a second mp40 that is needed for sure, then start adding my sps corals ive been wanting from the start. the 20 gallon will end up being a ricordea tank most likely. its either now or never so i got to get my head on right and continue down the path i intended, im not one to not do what i say, but so many nice coral in the world i started going down a different direction, haha. now im just righting the ship. updates on my tank will be coming this month for sure. thanks for the interest and all the help as always guys.
Understood. This hobby will grab you in a hundred different directions and will pull you away from your original intentions. Even the most disciplined aquarist (rare) will get sidetracked occasionally, especially when you have access to great fish stores like EP does. I am still continuosly amazed at how many LFS choices there are in EP. Coming from Orange County, California I was expecting nothing here in the SW desert. What a surprise!! I almost abandoned the hobby when I was planning to move here for the university, glad I did not. While loyalties remain with some LFS it is still refreshing to know that there are choices.

I agree with what you are doing. What is best is to have multiple tanks in your home. One for your SPS and one for your LPS and softies, fish, or whatever. SPS is beautiful however difficult and it is hard to turn your head on LPS, so easy and movement in the water column... Good luck with remaining focused on your projects.

In the meantime I still want to get some goodies from you.....
No, just the whispers of a new shop going in where My Saltwater world was. Where is the other one? this is great, hopefully.....
one on thunderbird, and one on mesa somewhere with dennis's equipment. thats the latest ive heard, thunderbird one opening up tomorrow. correct me if im wrong people.
Cool, I don't know where thunderbird is though. I will have to venture out sometime soon to find it.
Yep they open Tommorrow @1pm, I went and took a peek, the store looks nice. There was a man and a lady, (very nice people) that were still setting things up. They told me it would open Friday @ 1pm. Guess where I'll be Tommorrow @ 1pm.