FIRE SALE !!! lots of corals and stuff for sale.

Check the bottom of my post's. Dang this whole entire time and you thought it was deehz? Hay dios mio?!

Jay--your not helping!
Just wanted to let you know that all the corals i got from you are doing great.. Just want to let you know.
I don't think I'm going to make it out there today guys. Just came down with a nasty cold. :(

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I forgot to post a pic of the palys that I got from PEDRO.


close up
sorry deehz, didnt notice the hans at all. cool name. better than pablo for sure. haha

yeah everyone has been great, and the pics dont do them justice again.

i only have a few pieces left, one brain, xenia will be donated, but i did give away a couple stalks, there are a few sps pieces left. ill update soon, need to send a pm back. so im about out, 2nd vortech mp40 here i come!!!!!
k looks like everything is gone. cept what i want to keep of course.

4 rics keeping in 20, might become a ric tank. but after my main tank gets some love.

2 purple shrooms, staying in 90 since i dont want to try to get them off some main rock.

xenia and hairy green mushrooms will be donated to a friends tank.

I already moved my rock around yet again in preperation for the new vortech, since one side would be blocking the whole side if i hadnt.

now here is the next question, mp40 or mp60 ???? since it would make sense for even flow from side to side, but damn its tempting to get a 60. any ideas ????
Pedro--MP40 or maybe even an MP10. A 60 plus your 40 will be over-kill in a 90 unless you do upgrade to a 150+ gallon system. A single 60 will be more then adequate for your 90 DT. This is what I would do:

Sell the MP40 you have.
Use the proceeds to get a bigger tank like a 150+ rimless or bigger. or
use 1 single MP60 in your current setup.

Either way, I would end up selling the 40 to have one 60. Also, you will have plenty of flow because my understand is that you are going to have a fuge versus your hang on the back one you currently have right ( HB fuge)? Which means you have to have a strong enough pump to return the water from the fuge back to your DT. That's an additional 500-1000 GPH of flow that you are returning to the DT. So you will more then enough flow with the 1-60 and your return pump. Remember, that if you have to much flow in a system, the corals will not get the nutrients and elements to absorb because of too much flow. It will restrict growth and coloration. Just my .02
yeah reading up more i think the first problem would be sand movement. i should get the other 40 so i stay with the same tank. dont need a bigger tank just yet, even though i bought lights and skimmer so i could easily. i still might end up getting the cone hang on skimmer in black to replace mine now. man too many options. im usually not this back n forth.
Pedro "“ I'm running the two MP40's at half speed in short pulse mod. As you look at my tank the one on the right is really flowing behind the rock as the motor is mounted off center on the tank towards the rear. Five feet away it is blowing the sand out of that corner. A plus with two 40's is that if one goes down you still have the one providing some flow and you can sync them together. IMO the two 40's is the best way to go unless you really upsize the tank for the flow of a 60 as deehz mentioned. Good reason to go big!! :)

well everything is that i wanted to sell is gone, minus the extra bubble blaster 2000 which can be donated to the club tank. . i want to again thank the people that got stuff from me and it wont be forgotten, i will be ordering my mp40 next week and the fun begins. focused fun that is.