First post........

Q-ball hasn't noticed yet, and is most likely sitting in front of his tank trying to get his mantis to talk to him. :)
Hey now! Ok, it's true...but it's only cuz he was hiding for a few days:D Actually, I think the lil bugger was molting, he shut the doors to his cave and I hadn't seen him since Wed...well, yesterday he finally came out for a piece of krill. Hey MG, how long does yours hide during a molt?
Oh, and honestly, John didn't even tell me this one was coming, so I'm as surprised as you guys! Thanks John!

Molting time is an awkward time in a young mantis' life. They stop eating, are awkward, become anti-social, and get nervous in the presence of members of the opposite sex. They certainly like to hide a lot, too.

My mantis usually hides for two days before a molt, and stops eating a week or two in advance.
Did any of you see the closing piece on the ABC news last night? (Monday 1/15) They did a piece from an aquarium in Calif. that was having problems with Mantis. They captured one, but there is another in one of their big show tanks that is wreaking havoc among the ingabitants. The mantis they showed had to be at least 3" in length.