My Survey
My Survey
Did you mail order this fish and would you recommend mail order this fish? Are there captive-raised/bred specimen available and where? Mine were caught by me in florida
Any tips on how you picked a healthy specimen of this species from LFS? What do you think is the ideal size to get? My lions are in great health size depends on tank size. Smaller would be better to watch them grow easy to feed as well.
Are there any noticeable differences in body shape, pattern or color among the same species or between juvenile and adult of this species? No
Is there a way to tell the sex of this fish? Not that i know of
Any special tips about the acclimation and introduction of this fish? Same as any normal fish.
Any special needs for this fish or special considerations for young specimen? Wild caught will only eat live food,fish,shrimp and so on. After a bit they get use to frozen foods mysis but they are hunters and wait for the frozen food to drift by to eat. If the food stays still "dead" they wont eat it.
Should this fish be the first or the last to introduce to a tank? Any order, as long as the other fish are bigger than the lions mouth.
What tankmates do you have with this fish?Is it a reef or FO tank? Reef tank,tangs,wrasses,benny,angles as long as the size is bigger than the mouth one should be ok. If your lion is well feed he should have no interest in eating tankmates.
Have you had more than one of this species in the same tank? If so, is there a certain male/female ratio or group number worked for you (to have a harem or pecking order)? Do they school? They are peaceful together no problems if full the just hang around. No fights over meals either.
Have you had other species of the same genus/family in the same tank? yes dwarf and volitans
What's the stocking order (considering the above factors) that worked for you? The lion has a bad rap for some reason i think they are great. Very calm fish but as soon as they see alittle feeder fish wiggle by its gone. Ive had more problems with other fish "puffer" messing with them and picking at their fins.
Did this fish hurt/eat any of other fish (or vice versa)? Puffers sometimes peck at the fins only happen one time. What gets put in as food gets eaten fast silversides "live" and feeders BUT not one tankmate EVER. keep them fed and they know whats for them.
Did this fish hurt/eat Cnidaria (corals, mushrooms or anemones)? NO
Did this fish hurt/eat ornamental crustaceans (shrimps, hermits, crabs)? Only what i put in for dinner small shrimps with tails cut.
How did you get this fish to eat at first? Live feeder fish, live shrimp
If this fish only accepted live food, how did you wean it over to prepared food?Yes and No, They are not fans of the frozen but they see the tankmates going nuts over frozen mysis and they might go for it after awhile. Try the frozen foods before you feed the live that way they might go for it if not toss in a little feeder fish.
What's the diet? silversides "live" shrimp "live" most anything they can wrap the mouth around.
How much and how often do you feed? mysis everyday with tankmates, 3-5 little fish a week. I live on the water so i cast net food for them.
How does this fish eat?[/b](grazers, active or sedentary predators, sand sifters, etc) Active, Bang its gone they just suck it up.
What is the initial size of your fish and maximum size it reached? How fast did it grow (how much growth over a given period of time)? 5 inches up to 8 in 3-4 months
What size tank did this fish live in? (or how soon did this fish outgrow what size tank)? What do you think is the minimum tank size required for an adult specimen of this fish? 125 gallon min size 20 gallon for smaller fish.
If this fish went through body pattern change from juvenile to adult, was the change complete? How long did it take? no change
How long have you kept this fish? If you no longer have this fish, what was the cause? one for 2 years before puffer ate all the fins one day. The others still alive going on 1 to over 5 months
What is the longest lifespan and the maximum size of this fish in home aquarium and/or in the wild reported?
One i had got to about 10 inches home aquarium. but i have seen them pretty big 12-15 inches
[What disease has this fish had? How did you treat it, for how long? What's the effect of the treatment?none
Does this fish change body color under any circumstances? tiny bit darker and lighter but not much
[How active is this fish? Is this fish shy? Hungry very active, full not very active.
How territorial or aggressive is this fish? How does this fish interact with tankmates? Just fine might push a fish away if they touch or brush by the fins. They have their own space
Did this fish ever jump out of the tank? no
How does this fish sleep? hunts at night if full the hang looking down
Does this fish allow cleaners to clean? If so which cleaner and how often? cant say
How does this fish interact with human? just fine had one nip the finer dangling it at the top of the tank. not a big deal
Any other interesting observation of this fish? fantastic home aquarium fish not the mega killer everyone thinks just keep them feed. Dont feed a dog it might eat a cat, same here a full lion is a happy lion.
If you have a mated pair, how did you get them to pair up? no
Any information of spawning in captivity? no
Your overall assessment of this species -
How sensitive is this fish to poor water quality on a scale of 1-5? 2
1 - very tolerant, may survive a cycle in a new tank
2 - quite tolerant, may survive accidental ammonia or nitrite spike
3 - not terribly sensitive to reasonable pH, salinity or temperature changes
4 - sensitive to any significant water chemistry changes, and may show stress during such changes
5 - very sensitive to water quality, may easily get stressed and get sick with any change in water chemistry
Would you recommend this fish to beginners? yes but owner need to have a plan for feeding.
Any other recommendations/comments? feed live fish, let them get a little hungry over a day or so and start feeding mysis. But that wont cut it its a good snack but a lion can eat a ton sometimes 2-3 feeder fish in a day. Keep a close eye on the stomach as its an easy way to tell if the are full. Lots of swimming means they are hungry and are looking for food again they can eat a amazing amount of food over most other fish.
If you have any picture(s) of this fish you took, please post it here and share with us![/QUOTE]