I have a 500 gallon with low po4 without gfo but about 20 no3 I've been doing digest, Tim for about 3 weeks 1 time a week along with vodka everything seems good just want my no3 gone
I left for 3 days to Vegas came back to zero po4 and about 20 no3 my sps looked really pale and unhappy? I stopped the vodka for now and feed heavy trying to gt my po4 up a bit anyone notice low po4 and high no3 with pro digest/biotim
Only one is enough though right? I can add vinegar also tonight through my doser
Dumb question that I hope someone can help. I have 500 gallon total water volume. I have about a year supply of Biodigest Pro and Boptim Pro. I would like to do the drip and dose to dose daily instead of every 2 weeks, but the year supply is just the regular version vials. Is there anyway I can get the Dose'n Drop kit and reuse the Dose'n Drop "vials" that come with it and then just refill them every week by emptying my vials into the Dose'n Drop 2 vials?