For those dosing prodibio bioptim and biodigest

i have about 600 total gallons and a pretty large life stock.. I am on top of my tank, sps is growing, but not thriving.. I dose 30 ml of vinegar (i know it seems like nothing but i had a bad experience dosing more)

I run a little gfo and change water weekly... I would like to use the biogest from this kit... Is that all i really need? I feed once a day, maybe half a sheet or less of nori and half a cube of rinsed mysis.. I have at least 7 tangs that are monsters, so I cant cut back on feeding too much. my nitrates are hard to tell w the ati kit. but i can tell some of my sps are not happy, i really dont think mine will ever be ulns, but I do plan on overloading the fuge w a lot more live rock,, I am seeing more and more sponges and growth in the cryptic zone..

I guess what Im getting at is which prodibio products would be best for my tank, and I really cant see my tank getting too clean? I change about 80 gallons of water a week....

Thanks guys!
Why would one dose biodigest to an established aquarium? Isn't the main purpose of this product to build up the biological filter in the rock and sand to process fish waste in the aquarium? And therefore if an aquarium is established (say one year or more), what is the benefit? A bit more insight into this would be appreciated.

This may help a lot of people, its a post I did on our other sponsored forum a while back

So here is it, the long awaited guide to all things ProdiBio, what makes Prodibio so unique and easy to use, in fact without doubt the easiest and most effective low nutrient system.

So first lets talk about the simplicity of the system
Prodibio due to the elements used and way it is made allows for the user to only dose every two weeks and without the need for any form of equipment or reactors. Each element comes in a nitrogen sealed glass vial, which also gives the product a very long shelf life, no risk of bacteria dying off.

It is 100% impossible to over dose other than create some over skimming and uses only natural extracts. Prodibio time and time again has proven to be one of the most effective systems on the market that also can be mixed with other concepts.

The system has 3 main elements.
BioPtim &

Biodigest is your bacterial source much like any other ULNS you have to have a plentiful supply of bacterial strains to eat up those bad nutrients. Where prodibio differs is that they use a chain of different strains, one strain starting off where the other left so you get a dosing window of two weeks. No other system allows you to dose that far apart.

This is your carbon source as found in many other ULN systems. The difference is again you only dose every two weeks. BioPtim contains a multitude of essentials additives for feeding the bacterial colony in your system and in doing so lowering your nitrates and PO4 levels.

This is your coral and critter food source containing a long line of additives including a very potent mix of omega 3 fatty acids and amino acids.

The Big question - Dosing
There are two concepts here which has led to confusion on the past and we hope this will eliminate that from now on

Can I combine with other systems?
As mentioned above yes you can but for ease of dosing and the non requirement of equipment we strongly suggest the use of Both Biodigest and BioPtim in place of any other similar product such as bio medias and daily dosing systems. From there you can choose to use the one shot ReefBooster or mix with other coral enhancing additives from the likes of Tropic Marin or ZeoVit. Many ZeoVit users actually use Prodibio bacteria and carbon source instead due to the low maintenance required.

Maintenance dosing
If you already have a low nutrient system or low nutrients and everything is in check then your dosing is as follows

Biodigest = 1 vial UP TO but not exceeding 250 gallons, you can not over dose Biodigest so if you have a 50 gallon tank you still dose 1 vial every two weeks, however if you have a 300 gallon tank you would dose 2 vials.

BioPtim = 1 vial every two weeks for every 50 gallon of water irrelevant of anything else this is a fixed ratio. 1 vial to 50 gallons, so if you have 200 gallons you would dose 4 vials. Simple maths.

Reefbooster = This must only be added when you have a mature ULN system and can handle the addition of amino acids, the ratio is 1 vial per 50 gallon, just as with BioPtim, however I personally suggest starting off with 1 vial and building up, you will know when you have peaked as the skimmer you turned off to dose and left off for 24 hours will go nuts when switching back on if you dosed too much.

When dosing is not as above.
THE only time dosing will differ than above is if you are starting off at a high level of nutrients and need to get them down, then the dosing of ONLY Biodigest changes.

High nutrients = 1 vial of Biodigest for every 50 gallons, you do not change the bioPtim ratio. This dosing is maintained until your nutrients are within range of ULN systems. at that point you change the dosing back to 1 vial per 250 gallon.

BioClean product
As the name suggest this product is a one box supply of all the elements you need to lower your nutrients, it contains both BioDigest and BioPtim in equal ration. Why equal? Because you are lowering nutrients so the above example of 1 vial of BioDigest per 50 gallons applies. Once your nutrients are down as mentioned above you then lower your BioDigest to 250/1

This is by far the highest seller of the range, ProdiBio Start up is ideal for starting new tanks up and allowing for the hardiest fish to be introduced within 12 hours of starting the system. StartUp uses a plant extract ammonia lock no chemicals used. its natural formula locks and holds ammonia until it can be exported, the addition of Biodigest at a high dosing ratio then swiftly colonizes your filtration system. The system time and time again has proven to be a life saver for aquarium stores and for those experiencing ammonia spikes for various reasons.

So thats Prodibio broken down into its elements, as you can see plain and simple the system is designed for little maintenance, easy understanding of dosing and by far one of the leading ULN systems on the market.

if you have any questions please post here, and I urge everyone even if using other forms of ULN systems to just try it so you see how easy and effective this brillaint system really is.
Thanks. So would one only use this if your system is ULNS? What are the benefits of "optimum bacteria?" Thanks.

If keeping corals and want a successful tank everyone should really be aiming for an Ultra Low Nutrient System.

Prodibio makes ULNS simple.

The benefit of optimizing the bacteria count in your tank (the benefit of ULNS) is that you will not have nitrate or PO4 issues.

If you have a tank struggling with the above readings then Prodibio will bring them down in a controlled and natural manner without risk of shocking your tank that vodka dosing can do if not done correctly, also Vodka is not a bacteria its the carbon source but only one part of the food chain (sugar)
If keeping corals and want a successful tank everyone should really be aiming for an Ultra Low Nutrient System.

Prodibio makes ULNS simple.

The benefit of optimizing the bacteria count in your tank (the benefit of ULNS) is that you will not have nitrate or PO4 issues.

If you have a tank struggling with the above readings then Prodibio will bring them down in a controlled and natural manner without risk of shocking your tank that vodka dosing can do if not done correctly, also Vodka is not a bacteria its the carbon source but only one part of the food chain (sugar)

Thanks for your reply. My SPS aquarium is about 2 years old and over most of that time, I have struggled with pale corals. When I first started my tank I ran GAC and GFO constantly and my tank was very clean (low nutrients I assume) but also my corals were very pale. I continued to read on this forum that I was starving my corals (not enough nutrients in water) and I have read about this in many other threads about many other aquariums. They say I (and others) need higher nitrates and higher phosphates. So I started feeding my corals daily. I also added several more fish and I feed them multiple times during the day and finally after several weeks of this I seem to be able to keep SPS corals looking reasonable. And of course I now have more green algae in my tank but I then bought a lawnmower blenny and he is taking care of my algae, and I assume adding more fish waste to feed my corals. So my point in all of this is that how can ULNS be the ideal when I continue to see low nutrient tanks with pale, unhealthy looking corals. And I mainly read that if algae is not growing on your glass every few days then you don't have enough nutrients. This is all confusing to me. Thanks.
Its a balance you need to reduce the bad nutrients (absolute zero PO4) with a background level of Nitrate (this is what they refer to in regards to increasing nutrients)

You do not want to have any PO4 as this stops coral growth as it blocks the uptake of Calcium carbonate and also stops colouration.

When you have achieved low nutrients you then add the correct foods to your corals such as the right blend of amino acids, these can be found in reef booster, you can also add other brands of coral foods into the mix as you wish.

Its about replacing bad nutrients with good nutrients (food source)
Why would one dose biodigest to an established aquarium? Isn't the main purpose of this product to build up the biological filter in the rock and sand to process fish waste in the aquarium? And therefore if an aquarium is established (say one year or more), what is the benefit? A bit more insight into this would be appreciated.


You add more bacteria to an established tank for a few reasons:

1. Your skimmer is taking them out, so if they are taking up the NO3 and PO4, then it's a good nutrient export method, so artificialy having more bacteria is good. Carbon dosing at the same time magnifies this effect.

2. No concrete science, but bacteria seem to be food of some part of the food chain of coral, if not food themselves.

3. Bacteria can out compete algea for the extra nutrients the fish and coral don't eat, but they have to already be in big numbers, and if you have a skimmer, see number one.

4. Intentionally adding known "good" strains (non-pathogenic) is a good way to prevent bad strains from starting to grow and cause problems. Could also say this would help with keeping down fungal strains too, for the same reason, out competing.

I dose biodigest, bioptim, microbe lift special blend and vinegar. Working pretty well so far.

Good luck!
You add more bacteria to an established tank for a few reasons:

1. Your skimmer is taking them out, so if they are taking up the NO3 and PO4, then it's a good nutrient export method, so artificialy having more bacteria is good. Carbon dosing at the same time magnifies this effect.

2. No concrete science, but bacteria seem to be food of some part of the food chain of coral, if not food themselves.

3. Bacteria can out compete algea for the extra nutrients the fish and coral don't eat, but they have to already be in big numbers, and if you have a skimmer, see number one.

4. Intentionally adding known "good" strains (non-pathogenic) is a good way to prevent bad strains from starting to grow and cause problems. Could also say this would help with keeping down fungal strains too, for the same reason, out competing.

I dose biodigest, bioptim, microbe lift special blend and vinegar. Working pretty well so far.

Good luck!

Very helpful. Thanks.
I have been using this set up for over 6 months and i see a difference but i am never happy and may start exploring the Triton method :)

Triton is rather a wholly different system; not only does it encompass its own filtration system, but the dosing of Ca, Alkamd Mg, as wel as many other elements. Even the food you feed is restricted.

I would stay with one system for the long term and you will be happy.
Triton is rather a wholly different system; not only does it encompass its own filtration system, but the dosing of Ca, Alkamd Mg, as wel as many other elements. Even the food you feed is restricted.

I would stay with one system for the long term and you will be happy.

You are totally correct and decided an hour or so after I posted that to hold off. I am still going to use there water testing service as I think I can get some good information from it. I didn't realize I couldn't feed my special blend of sps food ( liquid Genesis ) no pridibio supplements, no sand bed no two part from ESV and i needed to change salt brands oh and need a refugium with a three part dosing pump and a three part holding containers. wow all that in one breath LOL

so maybe in the future but for now I am sticking with whats working

I just started dosing this product and I have a question on Alkalinity. I am getting ready to buy more salt and I am wondering where I need to keep my alkalinity. The salt I am considering is in the 8.5-9.0 range. Is this acceptable or too high? Thanks.
I just started dosing this product and I have a question on Alkalinity. I am getting ready to buy more salt and I am wondering where I need to keep my alkalinity. The salt I am considering is in the 8.5-9.0 range. Is this acceptable or too high? Thanks.

Thats fine. Prodibio is very gentle so unlike other carbon dosed systems, it doesnt require your alk to be in NSW values.

In any event; if you ran you alk at 8dKH and changed 10% water with 9dKH water, the difference is too small to be considered a major alk jump.
I've been using prodibio for awhile now I like it and like sahib said its gentle lately I've been doing the bio digest every week with Red Sea no pox with good results