For those dosing prodibio bioptim and biodigest

Terri Ann - thanks for the instructions. I'll try 'press and hold button until 3:00 display' as I don't believe I've ever done that. Will also try vigoursly mixing the powder cuz I noticed that the powder never fully dissolves even after 2.5 minutes.
Let me know how it works out for you. I've heard a guy say that it's not the most reliable test but I have found my results to be very consistent! If you question the result, retest again. Then if you still are unsure, test for the 3rd time and take an average...

What I omitted to post, is I use a syringe (and the same syringe) to measure out the 10ml of tankwater. Looking at the water through the vial to see if it's spot-on, to me, isn't very accurate. Using a syringe and the same one for every test gives me less chance of variance.
i've read the thread but i'm still confused on how to dose.

I want to ue biodigest, biotim and reefbooster, my system is 200 gallon, how much do i have to use and how/when to dose each?
1 vial of BioDigest will treat up to 250g so 1 vial...use every 2 weeks(dose day 15). If you want to speed up the process, add 1 vial more 1 vial every 7 days.
BiopTim- same as above.
ReefBooster is a nutrient source for the bacteria...basically like carbon dosing. If your system is nutrient poor, you can dose it. But, if you have high nitrates and/or phosphates. I suggest NOT dosing reefbooster until those get ultralow :)
1 vial of BioDigest will treat up to 250g so 1 vial...use every 2 weeks(dose day 15). If you want to speed up the process, add 1 vial more 1 vial every 7 days.
BiopTim- same as above.
ReefBooster is a nutrient source for the bacteria...basically like carbon dosing. If your system is nutrient poor, you can dose it. But, if you have high nitrates and/or phosphates. I suggest NOT dosing reefbooster until those get ultralow :)

Let me know how it works out for you. I've heard a guy say that it's not the most reliable test but I have found my results to be very consistent! If you question the result, retest again. Then if you still are unsure, test for the 3rd time and take an average...

What I omitted to post, is I use a syringe (and the same syringe) to measure out the 10ml of tankwater. Looking at the water through the vial to see if it's spot-on, to me, isn't very accurate. Using a syringe and the same one for every test gives me less chance of variance.

i was one of them . one time measure 5 and the next at 15
I just read thread.. some good info... I just bought a biodigest/bioptim kit... I am fighting DINO. anyone had any success?

The dealer in his blog recomends to leave the skimmer and gfo on....

FYI...for those who were not running ULNS you need to keep your alk around 7-8... this product turns your system into a ulns and those need lower alk or you will RTN...
Every post on how to dose in this thread is completely different. SOme say 1 to 1. Some say 2 or 3 to 1. Some say 2 or 3 to 1 with the opposite. Does anyone have proof and/or knowledge on how to properly use bioptim/diodigest in a say 120 gallon tank? I actually used to dose and of course cannot remember how I dosed. It was 2 or 3 one week and then 1 vial of the other the next week. My phosphates were down and colors were great. Then again, thats when I had my T5s as opposed to my radion LEDs. Now I'm still getting great growth, but colors are blah to brown on alot of my SPS. Please help out here. Thanks
I stopped because I saw no difference. I don't think the product does much in my opinion.

Tried 2 full kits of Prodibio BIOKIT REEF - 30 (60 total) Vials for the program, Doesed 2 vials each, every two weeks.... didn't notice anything different - no color change, still had some cryo on the sand.
Every post on how to dose in this thread is completely different. SOme say 1 to 1. Some say 2 or 3 to 1. Some say 2 or 3 to 1 with the opposite. Does anyone have proof and/or knowledge on how to properly use bioptim/diodigest in a say 120 gallon tank? I actually used to dose and of course cannot remember how I dosed. It was 2 or 3 one week and then 1 vial of the other the next week. My phosphates were down and colors were great. Then again, thats when I had my T5s as opposed to my radion LEDs. Now I'm still getting great growth, but colors are blah to brown on alot of my SPS. Please help out here. Thanks

Prodibio's website has the information on how to use the products. I don't remember what I posted above but it is taken from their website and, I dosed for 150g NWV(net water volume). I would have responded earlier but just logged on... Good luck!:wavehand:
I stopped because I saw no difference. I don't think the product does much in my opinion.

Tried 2 full kits of Prodibio BIOKIT REEF - 30 (60 total) Vials for the program, Doesed 2 vials each, every two weeks.... didn't notice anything different - no color change, still had some cryo on the sand.

I too didn't see any significant change with the water params so I quit using Prodibio. I am having very good results with Dr. Tim's bacteria products! I am a firm believer and use it regularly:dance: Check out his website and read not only about the products but also his background and the other informative info he has on there! :thumbsup:
The dosing is easy the confusion came from the change in packaging and the strength in the vials.

the dosing is

1 vial per 50 gallons every 15 days. So if you have a 200 gallon system you should be dosing 4 vials of both biodigest and Bioptim every 15 days

in regards to reefbooster, if you hvae a heavily stocked system then dose also 1 vial per 50 gallon. if lighter stocked reduce by 50%

If you get stuck pm me or email me.
Just starting to use this stuff. Lots of info in this thread. Some confusing, but I'll error on the side of caution and go light!
Was wondering can the bio digest and biotim be dosed every 7 days instead of every 15 days ,if phosphates are a bit high then when they drop to acceptable levels switch to dosing every 15 days ???anyone know or tried it?
I have found biodigest great for nitrates but no effect on p04. I use high cap GFO for p04 and biodigest/bioptim for nitrates and everything looks great...
I have found biodigest great for nitrates but no effect on p04. I use high cap GFO for p04 and biodigest/bioptim for nitrates and everything looks great...
Bacteria will consume nitrates and phosphates at a specific ratio, which might differ from the ratio they are created in our tanks. So when one zeroes out it becomes a limiting factor and the other starts to accumulate. Would be nice to see an experiment with adding some nitrates to see if the phosphates will drop then.