for those who claim to truly care... ;-p

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How does nature balance itself? Yes, IMO the problem is the cure if left alone with no human intervention, the thing is most people will not or cannot leave things alone and allow nature to work unattended. They must intervene and start saving things, maybe it makes them feel good to change things I suppose. People always ask, what if it were you or your kid... and thats a hard position to be in. I would default to how things work in nature, as humans we seem to think we know better? Maybe we should take the safety labels off and let the problem solve itself. Cold, inhumane, barbaric, insensitive or would doing so strengthen the species as it does in nature?

Yes, why not? a natural re-alignment. It woulnt go back to the stone age either, mankind as a species would become stronger by evolving. Nature works that way now (the herd concept) and thats exactly the solution. The herd dosent revert back it becomes stronger. Niave and arrogant to think we are above what was here 6 million years before us...perhaps we are too afraid to even consider it so we remain dependent upon a system that is designed to consume itself. We are conditioned to think this way. There is a lot of fear when it comes to the survival of the fittest concept because of the dependency created by this system, it's like dialysis. LOL, sounds like the Matrix.

Also considering nothing else has made a dent, more rules, more laws and more overpopulation with less natural resources. Jim, we have developed each one of those exact survival tools. What would you call, steel, machinery, electricity or weapons. A lot of people would be able to survive on their own, I know I would. Perhaps chaos for awhile and then survival of the fittest.

We no longer play by the rules of the animal kingdom or nature because for some reason we think we know better. Are we better? How... we have chaos, nature has harmony?

Consider just the physical element. How does one become stronger physically? by taking penicillin? no by building an immunity to not require penicillin.

Of course it would work, we have chaos, nature has harmony? and nature doesn't require penicillin.

So I suppose if your kid ran out in the street and got hit by a car you would just stand there and think "Oh well, I guess my genes just weren't up to the challenge and my slow kid paid the price. He/she had a pretty good run up till this point but I have to support the herd. Now I will be off to sterilize myself in order to strengthen the herd by not reproducing anymore and passing on inferior genes to the rest of society."?

At this point, your fitness level is zero and you would be the weakest link (remember that show?) compared to someone on here who has 20 grandchildren.

FYI I hope that would never happen to your child but some of your points are meh at best.

And to answer the original question yes I would give up my cars IF I had the ability to travel around and it not take 3 to 4 hours everyday for me to get to work by the only other alternative mode of transportation in my area (bus) but until then no.

The only way society ever changes is either by kicking and screaming all the way or when it is easy.
So I suppose if your kid ran out in the street and got hit by a car you would just stand there and think "Oh well, I guess my genes just weren't up to the challenge and my slow kid paid the price. He/she had a pretty good run up till this point but I have to support the herd. Now I will be off to sterilize myself in order to strengthen the herd by not reproducing anymore and passing on inferior genes to the rest of society."?

At this point, your fitness level is zero and you would be the weakest link (remember that show?) compared to someone on here who has 20 grandchildren.

FYI I hope that would never happen to your child but some of your points are meh at best.

And to answer the original question yes I would give up my cars IF I had the ability to travel around and it not take 3 to 4 hours everyday for me to get to work by the only other alternative mode of transportation in my area (bus) but until then no.

The only way society ever changes is either by kicking and screaming all the way or when it is easy.

20 grandchildren? Thats a lot of overhead for current times. To be dependant on so many for survival means your pretty weak. Altruism? Which animial out there supports 20 offspring for there entire life? Even penguins and lovebirds draw the line after a year. Definitely not the king of the jungle? The most adept and efficient animals are solo, even the herd species factor out the weak.

To answer your question, one must first ask; How does this scenairo work in nature and why should it be any different than a squirrel crossing the road? Because we're human and above all? Think about this logically not emotionally, it's the same scenario and dosent matter how we feel at this point, our feelings would not have changed what just occured or the natural order of things. Nature dosent feel sorry for itself, it evolves. Would being faster have changed this? Perhaps, how does one become faster? Fight nature or live within it.

It's all related to the original topic when you think about it.
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20 grandchildren? Thats a lot of overhead for current times. To be dependant on so many for survival means your pretty weak. Altruism? Which animial out there supports 20 offspring for there entire life? Even penguins and lovebirds draw the line after a year. Definitely not the king of the jungle? The most adept and efficient animals are solo, even the herd species factor out the weak.

To answer your question, one must first ask; How does this scenairo work in nature and why should it be any different than a squirrel crossing the road? Because we're human and above all? Think about this logically not emotionally, it's the same scenario and dosent matter how we feel at this point, our feelings would not have changed what just occured or the natural order of things. Nature dosent feel sorry for itself, it evolves. Would being faster have changed this? Perhaps, how does one become faster? Fight nature or live within it.

It's all related to the original topic when you think about it.

I am not looking at any of this emotionally and you never answered your feelings about your dead child.

You seemed confused about the whole fitness issue by stating that having 20 grandchildren would be an issue. You have it backwards and you are applying anthropogenic factors to nature such as financial obligations to raising a child. If I make enough to support my children and theirs why wouldn't I have that many? If your family and mine were two active breeding populations you would lose out when my children reproduced and your child was dead on the road. Because you believe that you should stop at one kid your game is over. Your genes are no longer influencing the breeding population. Doesn't make much sense to put your entire future on one kid does it? On the flip side you could get killed by the bus and as long as your kid reproduced you are fine. There will always be more individuals produced than can breed. Think about the percentage of fish that reproduce compared to the whole population.

As far as other another animal that is closer to us as that could have 20 grandchildren in nature the elephant would be a good example. Cows start breeding around 14 years old and can continue into their 50s. If you take the 22 month pregnancy and two years of care, a cow could produce 10 calves in her life time or one calf every four years. Of those 10 you could remove one during a pregnancy, usually the first, and maybe two more before they mature leaving seven. If this cow delivered at 18 then by the time she is 36 she could be a grandmother. Bulls start breeding in their early 30s and can go 15 "“ 25 years. That bull would produce a majority of the offspring within the herd except when a younger satellite male waited for the breeding bull and a challenger to fight and he would sneak off to find the cow in heat. In 20 years the number of his offspring could be huge and the original cow's fitness would be high.

As far as altruism and your thoughts concerning individuals vs. group dynamics, it could be argued that the social animals are more successful than the individuals. Think about the most intelligent animals including humans, chimps and the great apes, whales and dolphins, and elephants, and what common characteristic do we all share? We are all social animals and we are all successful. Safety in numbers and greater ability to hunt are two reasons.

Back to the two of us and the getting hit situation, I would relate that to kinship. I would save my child either by pulling him or her out of the way or taking the hit. I may die but if they lived and had children of their own and your one was hit and killed I would win.
As far as your squirrel, the ones that have the advantageous genotype during the specific time would be the ones breeding. If you had a forest and one group of better climbers than another they would continue to breed but if we put in a road and the climbers were slow runners and both groups had to cross the road for food which one would win then? How would the population composition look after 50 generations?

Finally this whole human chaos vs. natural harmony ideas of yours is off too. Animals don't keep score and stop when their quotes have been met. Nature is about chaos and balance, and episodic and periodic disturbances. Fire ecology?

Sorry Vitz for going around the world on this simple discussion but it is more interesting than a yes and no poll.
What happens when pest invade your tank or minerals/ph get out of balance, ect? We all know there is a delicate balance in our tanks which should reflect the natural eco system, right?

Would we put a CO2 reactor in our reef tank if it harmed it, or dedicate 4/5ths of our tank to animals that put out toxins and high unwanted gases? I suppose all I want to put in perspective is our balance on this planet is way off compared to the natural world and we have a much greater impact then any of us would like to admit, especially if it threatens the way we live.

We are all driven to live the life we do by what humans of the past (our fathers fathers and so on) thought was necessary. Look at what you think is important, what you do for a living and the things you do to achieve that. Is it fully balanced? Maybe its time we are driven by forward thinking, driven by what would help your grandchild's grandchild to thrive. We have much to change, and it will take the forward thinkers, the true scientist to help achieve that balance.
Never owned a car. Never wanted to. Just live near my job and walk or bike.
Join me!

gave up my car 5 years ago, walk to work or transit when its to cold. havent regretted it one bit. probably never own another car again. no more insurance hassles, no mechanics, no gas stations, no parking. lol.
I am not looking at any of this emotionally and you never answered your feelings about your dead child.

You seemed confused about the whole fitness issue by stating that having 20 grandchildren would be an issue. You have it backwards and you are applying anthropogenic factors to nature such as financial obligations to raising a child. If I make enough to support my children and theirs why wouldn’t I have that many? If your family and mine were two active breeding populations you would lose out when my children reproduced and your child was dead on the road. Because you believe that you should stop at one kid your game is over. Your genes are no longer influencing the breeding population. Doesn’t make much sense to put your entire future on one kid does it? On the flip side you could get killed by the bus and as long as your kid reproduced you are fine. There will always be more individuals produced than can breed. Think about the percentage of fish that reproduce compared to the whole population.

As far as other another animal that is closer to us as that could have 20 grandchildren in nature the elephant would be a good example. Cows start breeding around 14 years old and can continue into their 50s. If you take the 22 month pregnancy and two years of care, a cow could produce 10 calves in her life time or one calf every four years. Of those 10 you could remove one during a pregnancy, usually the first, and maybe two more before they mature leaving seven. If this cow delivered at 18 then by the time she is 36 she could be a grandmother. Bulls start breeding in their early 30s and can go 15 – 25 years. That bull would produce a majority of the offspring within the herd except when a younger satellite male waited for the breeding bull and a challenger to fight and he would sneak off to find the cow in heat. In 20 years the number of his offspring could be huge and the original cow’s fitness would be high.

As far as altruism and your thoughts concerning individuals vs. group dynamics, it could be argued that the social animals are more successful than the individuals. Think about the most intelligent animals including humans, chimps and the great apes, whales and dolphins, and elephants, and what common characteristic do we all share? We are all social animals and we are all successful. Safety in numbers and greater ability to hunt are two reasons.

Back to the two of us and the getting hit situation, I would relate that to kinship. I would save my child either by pulling him or her out of the way or taking the hit. I may die but if they lived and had children of their own and your one was hit and killed I would win.
As far as your squirrel, the ones that have the advantageous genotype during the specific time would be the ones breeding. If you had a forest and one group of better climbers than another they would continue to breed but if we put in a road and the climbers were slow runners and both groups had to cross the road for food which one would win then? How would the population composition look after 50 generations?

Finally this whole human chaos vs. natural harmony ideas of yours is off too. Animals don’t keep score and stop when their quotes have been met. Nature is about chaos and balance, and episodic and periodic disturbances. Fire ecology?

Sorry Vitz for going around the world on this simple discussion but it is more interesting than a yes and no poll.

Your confusion seems to stem from from denial. Denial is often used to justify things we can not change so we base our arguements on emotion to substantiate our actions and current condition. Emotion interferes with logic and rational thought.
I have never observed any of what you mentioned in my travels. Running short on time right now so will give quick answers...sorry. Can re-address when I get more time. And by no means is this meant to offend. I respect your opinion.

If you can support 20 offspring without depending on others then obviosly that is not weakening society or the herd?

It absoloutely makes sense when the world is already overpopulated.

The analogy of chimps, elephants etc... As mentioned, the top predators are solo, lions, tigers, bears, eagles, sharks. The group you mentioned still follows the laws of nature and uses the herd mentality of survival of the fittest. What happens when an animal can no longer care for itself?

The child scenario, your way off on this one. How would passing along weakness strengthen the species? By creating more weak? It dosent work that way in nature. Only with humans which is exactly why we have overpopulation and poverty. Remove emotion and your answer will be different, although this is impossible for many.

Animals dont keep score? some species such as rabbits and rodents will breed themselves into dire straights (kind of like people in some countries) but nature corrects this by producing disease, poverty and a predatory response. However....why does the herd shun the weak?
As far as you thinking that I am in denial and that I am trying to justify my statements using emotion to slip by logic and rational thought you are confusing my facts with beliefs. Not once have I used emotion during this discussion. You have focused on the ethics of human overpopulation and while it is a major cause of many issues throughout the world, it is simply a part of the current issues.
Even here in the United States, one of the top most populated countries and with a high fertility rate in the world, has had a negative birth rate since the 1950s due to factors including birth control, fewer children being born and people starting families later on in life. Much of our increase is related to immigration. So how is the US part of the problem? As you mentioned it comes full circle and goes back to the original question of resource use. Much of the US is still uninhabited and ¾ of the population lives on less than 5% of the land mass.

Did you watch the Beijing Olympics? Many stories were devoted to daily life in China and how a middle class is slowly forming. Now that some people have disposal income their quality of life has improved i.e. cars. With the current population levels, the increase of resource use, and little to no regulation how much of an impact will this have on the world? Hello 1950s "“ 1970s in the US. Now move onto India and"¦"¦"¦

Once again you are putting the human population on a moral level and there are many people that will not change how they have families whether it is due to religious reasons or for more hands to work the land and to hunt for food.
As far as top predators yes many species are solo hunters but even within your list of apex predators your list is wrong. Lions? Females hunt in a pride due to poor success rates. What happens when a lioness gets her jaw broken from a zebra kick? If she was alone she her cubs would perish. By being in a pride, the aunts could care for her offspring thus allowing her genes to be passed on and the fitness level to remain above zero. Bears? They will join together at pinch points along the rivers during salmon runs. Eagles? Parental care. Sharks? Many species hunt in packs including hammerheads, black tip reef sharks, blues, and even great whites hunt in packs of two or three which was unknown until a few years ago. Orcas? Pods and offspring spend their entire life with their matriarch. Even apex fish predators are social and work together including bill fish, tuna, and mackerel in the marine environment. Wolves? Hyenas?
As far as having a herd there are many advantages including defense, a decrease in predator-prey pressures (remember everything is something else's food), increased predation success, increased fertility rates and successes and even care during disease and injury. Yes at some point the herd will drop an individual that cannot keep up but it will be given a chance.

We keep hitting on top predators but what about superorganisms? They are extremely successful too.
As far as you thinking that I am in denial and that I am trying to justify my statements using emotion to slip by logic and rational thought you are confusing my facts with beliefs. Not once have I used emotion during this discussion. You have focused on the ethics of human overpopulation and while it is a major cause of many issues throughout the world, it is simply a part of the current issues.
Even here in the United States, one of the top most populated countries and with a high fertility rate in the world, has had a negative birth rate since the 1950s due to factors including birth control, fewer children being born and people starting families later on in life. Much of our increase is related to immigration. So how is the US part of the problem? As you mentioned it comes full circle and goes back to the original question of resource use. Much of the US is still uninhabited and ¾ of the population lives on less than 5% of the land mass.

Did you watch the Beijing Olympics? Many stories were devoted to daily life in China and how a middle class is slowly forming. Now that some people have disposal income their quality of life has improved i.e. cars. With the current population levels, the increase of resource use, and little to no regulation how much of an impact will this have on the world? Hello 1950s – 1970s in the US. Now move onto India and………

Once again you are putting the human population on a moral level and there are many people that will not change how they have families whether it is due to religious reasons or for more hands to work the land and to hunt for food.
As far as top predators yes many species are solo hunters but even within your list of apex predators your list is wrong. Lions? Females hunt in a pride due to poor success rates. What happens when a lioness gets her jaw broken from a zebra kick? If she was alone she her cubs would perish. By being in a pride, the aunts could care for her offspring thus allowing her genes to be passed on and the fitness level to remain above zero. Bears? They will join together at pinch points along the rivers during salmon runs. Eagles? Parental care. Sharks? Many species hunt in packs including hammerheads, black tip reef sharks, blues, and even great whites hunt in packs of two or three which was unknown until a few years ago. Orcas? Pods and offspring spend their entire life with their matriarch. Even apex fish predators are social and work together including bill fish, tuna, and mackerel in the marine environment. Wolves? Hyenas?
As far as having a herd there are many advantages including defense, a decrease in predator-prey pressures (remember everything is something else’s food), increased predation success, increased fertility rates and successes and even care during disease and injury. Yes at some point the herd will drop an individual that cannot keep up but it will be given a chance.

We keep hitting on top predators but what about superorganisms? They are extremely successful too.

Hi Kuda, didnt watch the Beijing olympics, I used to live on the mainland and HK for 7 years. I left in 1997 after HK went back to China then to Djibouti for 2 years and then Karachi Pakistan for a year. After that back to the states then I lived in Quezon City in the Phillipines for about 3 years. What we saw on TV in China was what the govt wanted us to see.

Thats right at some point the herd will drop an individual that cannot keep up. Why is it seen as natural when nature does this but taboo for humans?

Ok the list:
Lions= the males are at the top, not the females and they are solo and independent. Females lions as with many other species kill the runts. And what happens when a male get his SS kicked... Sorry no obamacare for you lion. Gene line discontinued and species strengthened.

Bears are amongst the most territorial. Male Kodiak/Grizzly bears are at the top and they also live solo and remain independent. If a bear gets caught in a trap... sucks to be him.

Great whites are also solo and independent for survival, they travel and hunt alone. When they are seen together as you mentioned it is because they are mutually attracted to food as in a feeding frenzy. Do they rely on each other for life? most of the time they kill by themselves. Not dependent on each other as adults otherwise they would travel in schools like sardines do.

The lone wolf? K9s are definitely pack animals but they wont hesitate to kick one to the curb that dosent strengthen the pack some how. K9s are not at the top of the predatory list though. When one breaks a leg it gets fired from the pack! Hyenas=scavengers ...same story.

Eagles... here in CO we have a lot of them. Ive never seen them living together as adults. They will kill each other for survival if necessary, reduce the food and they will fight like hell for the remaining resources. The males also live solo once mama kicks them out of the nest.

Cant comment on Orcas as I have no personal experience or knowledge about them other than the one at Sea World that killed it's human trainer seveal years ago. Cant blame the whale though, the trainer paid for his weakness and now the other trainers are stronger because of it.



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If the rest of the world would just adopt the same water and air pollution standards the U.S. has to play by it would be a good start in curbing at least a few environmental problems.

How about Americans give up their wars of hegemony and I keep my second hand suzuki that I might drive 5K per year...

I bet the "official statistics" don't account for CO2 emissions from say... jet fighters, Hummvees(on foreign soil), tanks, non nuke ships etc, etc, ad nauseum.

Florida's reefs are being annihilated by the poop of ~20 million Americans, to say nothing of the garbage America dumps on the rest of the world.

This thread is full of fail from the start.
How about Americans give up their wars of hegemony and I keep my second hand suzuki that I might drive 5K per year...

I bet the "official statistics" don't account for CO2 emissions from say... jet fighters, Hummvees(on foreign soil), tanks, non nuke ships etc, etc, ad nauseum.

Florida's reefs are being annihilated by the poop of ~20 million Americans, to say nothing of the garbage America dumps on the rest of the world.

This thread is full of fail from the start.

No I bet they dont, but the fact you have the freedom to type this is probably reason enough to not worry about things that are not relevant.
As far as Florida goes, they have been working on nutreint removal from POTWs for some time now. :rolleyes:
As far as Florida goes, they have been working on nutreint removal from POTWs for some time now. :rolleyes:

Speaking of which, one just blew a main Sunday and dumped 250,000 gallons of sewage into the ICW about a mile upcurrent from me :( They declared a "swim advisory" (i.e. stay out of the water) on Monday, but didn't publicize it until Tuesday :rolleyes:
:jester: Would be a good idea considering everything else the govt manages turns to sewage anyhow.:lolspin:
Yes I would get rid of my car, move close to the beach, and ride a dolphin to work. No I wouldn't get rid of my cars don't be silly.
We've gone this far without me having to bring up closing this thread for political posts, let's not ruin that now.
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