lol... those pics are old pics of my current setup.. I need to update those BTW.. They sump plans where for someone else.. I haven't rendered my sump plans yet..
As far as drawing.. Photoshop baby!!!
My sump will consist of 2 - 250 gallon square tubs. One for frags, and one for live rock. Plus, 1 125 gallon rubermaid sump (for water into the sump system and for the skimmers), and 2 55 gallon resivours. One for RO/DI water, and the other for ready to use saltwater..
I am planning on making the entire system automated. All I will have to do is feed the frozen food..
Key word though.. "planning". If all works out.. It will automatically do top-off's (i know big deal), weekly or bi-weekly 50 gal water changes (ohh yeah baby!!), and the reactors will do the rest!!