Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

i have the Deltec 702 and a Barr sk 1220 being powered by a pan world pump... i am way overskimming by doing this but better safe then sorry...
I'm always a little skeptical of running two skimmers. It might reduce the efficency of both. There's an ideal skimmer diameter for a given tank size. See Escobal "Aquatic systems engineering". The taller the skimmer, the better effiency, not the greater diameter. Kinda makes sence when you think about it. Not saying you have anything wrong, just a general sidenote...

Better to have a skimmer that's twice as tall than twice as many skimmers...
i could not fit a bigger deltec on my tank, all my componets and filters are under the tank, bubble king was out of my price range when i was setting up the tank...i may upgrade one day.. but if i do a bigger tank will come with it...

Farefrorce where are you getting your tank made and what are the dimentions?...
Miracles Aquariums

They are really nice to work with so far..

This was my request:The dimensions would be 96ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ long x 36ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ wide x 30ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ tall. That would be the main
tank, and it would have 2 - 30ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ long x 10ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ wide x 16ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ deep overflows off the back
with a 18ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ gap between the two. Each overflow would need 4 ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 2ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ holes drilled in
it. 2 on each side of the overflow. I would like the front glass to be starfire,
and the back wall to be black.

Here is the answer! I was planning on $7k-$8k..
all edges machine polished
3/4" glass all around
starphire front
tempered back with 2 notches
2 external overflows with 4 holes in each
1/8" black acrylic adhered to inside of back panel, teeth routered where notches are
4-1/2" eurobrace with polished edges
shipping to 80501 included, client is responsible for offloading aquarium from trailer
$ 4495.00
I was looking at the diagrams you put on your website, is that how you're planning the sump for the 500? Just wondering what the return line back to the sump was for? to reduce the flow to the main tank im guessing?
Also, you might want to keep the skimmer return above the water line to keep the back pressure constant and the water level in the skimmer constant. I never thought about plumbing the overflow directly to the skimmer, I dont know how well that works...

how did you do that sketch anyways? There some plumbing CAD program?
lol... those pics are old pics of my current setup.. I need to update those BTW.. They sump plans where for someone else.. I haven't rendered my sump plans yet..

As far as drawing.. Photoshop baby!!!

My sump will consist of 2 - 250 gallon square tubs. One for frags, and one for live rock. Plus, 1 125 gallon rubermaid sump (for water into the sump system and for the skimmers), and 2 55 gallon resivours. One for RO/DI water, and the other for ready to use saltwater..

I am planning on making the entire system automated. All I will have to do is feed the frozen food..

Key word though.. "planning". If all works out.. It will automatically do top-off's (i know big deal), weekly or bi-weekly 50 gal water changes (ohh yeah baby!!), and the reactors will do the rest!!
This is what I am planning on using:

Each one has approx volume of 247.8 Gallons, and they are $327 each.

i will be attending a meeting tonight and will be updating the returns for the tank this weekend.. i am getting 2 black wavy seas for the returns on the tank.. i dont like the loc-lines at all..

i also am waiting aon a red dragon 10 m 3 to replace the pan worlds i am using now..

ill post pics as soon as i get them
