Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

Hey bebo !

When are we going to get to see some pics of your tank with the canopy and stand all together ! I've been waiting so long just to see the final product :D

Stop showing us nudy pics of your tank without the beautiful stand :p

You could always remove the mounting bracket all together, and use industrial strength velcro to mount. It should drop the output nozzel down lower in your tank too..

Just some food for thought.
it could.. i am sure that wavysea makes a larger bracket for this.. when the reps were at the maslac group meeting they said if would fit on 3/4 tanks.. if they dont ill take a heat gun to it and see if i cant squeeze that extra 1/4 out of it...

Gabriel- please let me know about the wavysea... i would like to get 2 units to play around with, BUT i have 3/4" acrylic like you.

please let me know what they say.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6986572#post6986572 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dryice
nice tank


thank you...

well i put the clamp in some boiling water so that they became pliable... and presto...

sorry for the dirty pics.. i just blew the bottom clean with a powerhead and the tank is a mess right now...

all i need now is a barb adapter, some hose and a couple of hose clamps.. i hope lowes carries barb adapters.. anyone know of someone local who carries them?
Gabriel, Jeff's carries some barb fittings. You might call and see if they are open. What size are you looking for, I can check my box of parts for you.
Gabriel, Looked thru all my Sea Swirl stuff, all 1". Looked in my plumbing bin, all 1", sorry.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6984342#post6984342 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ginzo
Hey bebo !

When are we going to get to see some pics of your tank with the canopy and stand all together ! I've been waiting so long just to see the final product :D

Stop showing us nudy pics of your tank without the beautiful stand :p

lol i should be getting my new aquatronica this week.. i have to hook it up and then i will be able to bring the stand out of the garage... its been so long that i sometimes forget that i have that beautiful stand waitng for me...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6988117#post6988117 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Konadog
Gabriel, Looked thru all my Sea Swirl stuff, all 1". Looked in my plumbing bin, all 1", sorry.

no worries thanks for looking Ken...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6988669#post6988669 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by steve68
my lowes has 3/4 inch barbs, im sure ur does 2 just ask

thanks steve went to lowes and i got the barbs...

both wavyseas are now up and running.. they are awesome... no microbubbles anymore from the loclines and now that all the flow is coming out of one 3/4" line insead of 2 i am getting a lot more flow.... what more can i say, i am very happy man...
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Gabriel--you gave the mounts a little "english" and they mounted onto 1"?

edit: never mind I read above that your bracing is 3/4"
lol yeah i email wavysea if they made bigger brackets.. have yet to hear from them.. i dont think you will be able to get them on your 1" even with some "english" but i imagine that they make a bigger bracket...

So, after seing the flow from your wavy's; do you think that 4 wavyseas (one on each coner) powered by two Sequence ReeFlo Barracuda's and a Sequence ReeFlo Dart (for rock structure PVC closed loop) will be enough flow in a 8' long, 3 foor wide, 30" deep tank?

BTW, what pumps are you running, and how many?

And if you want to make water changes easy. This is what I am planning:

I will have a super salt solution and will be fed in to the holding tank via a dosing pump, and the S/G will be monitored by a S/G controller. VIOLA! Automated water change once a week!!
wow that is schweet.. computer animation.... love it.. looks like a great system but i dont like taking water out of the display for a water change, i take it out of my sump... water level in my tank NEVER changes... thats one thing i would change in your design...

I have a 25 gallon water change chamber built into my sump.. i turn a valve on a mag and water goes out through main house drain. close the valve and open the other one on the same mag pump and now the pump mixes the saltwater. I put a heater in the chamber as well and with no effort i have new heated and mixed salt water....



what are you going to use to control your system?

the wavyseas are awesome..they really move the water around .. they dont just push it like my tunze's..

your tanks dimentions are just a hair bigger than mine...if you could put 2 in each rear corner area and one in the middle front shooting back that would more than enough movement.. especially since you already have a close loop.. you will be rocking...

for my returns right now i am running 2 pan worlds a 150 ps for the long return.. and a 100px=x for the close return... i will be replacing them with 1 red dragon in the next coming weeks. I move just under 2000 gph through my sump... that is a lot but i designed my sump to be able to move that much volume and not create any bubbles...

i have my ball valves turnes just a hair to keep the GPH just under each pumps max volume.

I was planning on doing the change out of one of my sumps as well, that is an animation I got from somewhere else... LOL Actually I will have 2-75gal holding containers, One with RO water, and one with salt water. These will always be ready to rock and roll. They will be kept at the same tempature as the tank.

My plan is to drain water out of sump #3, and refill into sump #1 when finished draining. This way it will have plenty of time to "mingle" with the rest of the water before going back into the display.

As far as controllers I was planning on using This as a main controller, and this as a water change system.

So, you think 3 wavy's + my clossed loop would work fine? I just want to make sure I will have enough flow in this thing the first time. I don't want a single powerhead in the tank.
I have a similar system with 2 - 96g holding tanks, one for SW and one for RO/DI. One thing you can do is put 100 to 200 feet of supply line in one of the heated tanks BEFORE the RO/DI filter so that your incoming water is warmer and the membrane is more efficient.