Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

gooliver, I haven't completely emptied or cleaned my RO/DI reservoir in the year it's been in use. It gets partially drained and refilled regularly. No contaminants, no algae growth, no problems. I don't do anything to circulate this water either, it just sits there.

My saltwater mixing tank has only been emptied completely and wiped clean once in the same amount of time. I always mix saltwater in advance and just keep a powerhead running in there 24/7. As long as the water is circulated, it should be fine to use for a long time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6951320#post6951320 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fareforce
bubble king?? never heard of it..

Here is what a BK400 EXT looks like :)



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6954163#post6954163 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fareforce
What is thier website??? How many GPH?? Are these the best skimmers for large tanks?

I got mine from Will at aquariumobsessed because he was the one who built my 600gal (96x48x30) low iron tank...

A few others carry them as well... They are not cheap and depending, you may have to wait a few months to get one...




& a few more...

The Manufacturer is royal-exclusiv
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6954163#post6954163 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fareforce
What is thier website??? How many GPH?? Are these the best skimmers for large tanks?

I hear nothing but good things about the BK skimmers and are dead silent. I mean dead, dead, dead. I been thinking about getting one my self since the news of smaller ones might show up on the market sonner or later.

Paul, have you been over to see SteveU's BK?
I know that Moonpod has said that if it wasn't for the bubbles, you wouldn't know that it's running.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6954723#post6954723 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Konadog
It's the dang pump that's so expensive.

The acrylic is not cheap either... When talking to GEO about a custom 16" dia skimmer He stated that the acrylic was going to be close to $300.00 per ft... So just in the 16" dia acrylic tubing and RD pump you are looking at almost 2/3rds of the BK400 price...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6954658#post6954658 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Konadog
Paul, have you been over to see SteveU's BK?
I know that Moonpod has said that if it wasn't for the bubbles, you wouldn't know that it's running.


NO them fools never invite me over! They think im going to steal from them cause im half Viet!lol but i had the oportunity to check one out before and yes if i didnt see water running i wouldnt know it was on. So uhm when you getting yours? GROUP BUY, lol
Wow!! those are a bit!! Good thing I have a max budget of $3000 for the skimmer.. I was hoping to keep it under $2000 though...

Are BK smimmers capacity ratings true? (please say yes)
from what i hear they might be changing the BK.. it will have only 1 outlet insead of 2... am i right on that one?...

Fareforce if you want a good site to check out go to
oregonreef he has a 850 gal tank and uses a Deltec...
Two Skimmers are always better than one, if only as a backup on a large system. Personally, I would go with two different types of skimmers just because each is going to have slight inefficiencies that the other might pickup. There are a lot of things that can happen in a skimmer's flow dynamics which change it's filtration potential. Simply balancing a skimmer can make a differnce.

On another note, Awesome setup.
The BK's that are less than 300 (that is encluding the 300) has 1 outlet.

i have a BK 300 internal w/ 1 output...

anything bigger though will have 2 outlets because of back pressure....

Klaus (guy who makes these in Germany) had to increase the diameter of the pipe to only have 1 outlet. He could only do this on the 300 down because on the bigger models it wouldn't work.

this way awhile ago, so i forgot exactly what he said, but this was most of it :)

I got this info from another forum:

Royal Exclusive (maker of the Bubble King) should be coming out with new smaller models of the BK this summer around in May 2006.

Here's some info on the new models:

BK 160 for tanks up to 105 gallons, = ca. 105 gallons air intake
BK 180 for tanks up to 185 gallons, = ca. 158 gallons air intake
BK 200 for tanks up to 263 gallons. = ca. 210 gallons air intake ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 28W

Klaus has also developed a now needle wheel which is produced by their new precise CNC milling machine. All BK skimmers will be available with a POM needle wheel in the standard version or with a titanium wheel. The POM needle wheels are much more accurate to provide more power to the skimmer.

Can't wait to see the prices on these baby BKs :D

The BK180 should be fine for my 118g tank ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6956176#post6956176 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nbd13
The BK's that are less than 300 (that is encluding the 300) has 1 outlet.

i have a BK 300 internal w/ 1 output...

anything bigger though will have 2 outlets because of back pressure....

Klaus (guy who makes these in Germany) had to increase the diameter of the pipe to only have 1 outlet. He could only do this on the 300 down because on the bigger models it wouldn't work.

this way awhile ago, so i forgot exactly what he said, but this was most of it :)


ohh i knew that their must be a method to his madness....

chuck said that he hated the duel outlets.. i like the fact that my deltec is single...

I wonder if anyone want to do a BK group buy??? lol