getting out- lost 2 tanks to hurricane florence


Active member
Lost all livestock in 240g cube and all livestock in 30 g cube...had ecotech battery backups but power has been out over 24 hrs already and cant get back to the house for a few days at least becuase of flooding. ill be posting all tanks and equipment once i am able to get the house assesed
Sorry that happened to you..
Must be right on the coast..
How do you know its all gone if you aren't there?

Here in Raleigh its nothing so far.. Just a bit of wind and some drizzle.. I think they said we should get like 5-7" of rain later tonight though.. But thats nothing...
Sorry for your loss.

I've also lost 3 tanks (180, 110 and 50) due to Harvey. 2 weeks later after being allowed to return home my heart just sunk.

I had a blue tang I had over 10yrs that survived Hurricane Ike, ich, velvet and whatever else.

Fast forward 1 yr later after Harvey. I have my 180 and 50 back up. I sold the 110.

This hobby is brutal but it is also very rewarding. Good luck! Eventually the hobby will bring you back. It's so worth it!

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I remember talking to someone who lost power for three days due to Katrina. He got back to the house to find everything in the tank dead except for a couple really aggressive blue damsels that he wished had been the first things to go.
That sucks. Good luck to you keep your health and safety first and hope for the best with the tank. Don't give it up yet.

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I know how it is and how you feel

I lost a 90n G to hurricane Charlie in 2004. 24 hours no power and the tank was dead.

Sad part is two weeks before I went to Michigan and bought a home to move back north. Just didn't get out in time.

you will be back. Lick your wounds and move forward.
I hate to hear that. I live within 2 miles of the ocean in southeastern NC. My area has lots of damage. Flooding is a real problem further inland. I made my mind up to stay. I had a 22kw generator installed last week just because of this storm. I really dreaded the thought of going thru losing it all.

If you decide to rebuild, hit me up. I will frag you a few pie es to help get you re started.
I'm sorry you lost all your livestock. That really sucks.

If you decide to get out of the hobby, don't sell everything right away. Clean and save what you can. Put it away for a year before selling. I bet you will want back in again a little down the road. Why sell everything just to spend big bucks to buy everything again. The worst thing I did was to sell my 150 gallon setup years ago. A few months after doing so. I missed having the tank. Now, 13 years later I am finally in a position to build a big tank again. If I had just kept that tank, I could have enjoyed it all this time! Don't make a hasty decision.