ghstrider's custom 150 build thread

I got in some gorgeous fish direct from a Hawaiian supplier and im verrrry impressed!!! These angels were eating leftover mysis that was in the tank from a prior feeding within minutes after being dumped in the QT! They're in there with a multibarred angel im trying to bring up to speed and is being a bit finicky... I hope he makes it.

Heres a video and i placed eggcrate to separate the 2 angels. The CXI Emperor is on the left and the CXI Griffis and Multibar is on the right.

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Those are beauties there! Smart of you to keep them in QT, but it must be tough waiting to toss them into their new home.
Well deserved congratulations.
I have been following this thread from the beginning, very well planned plus you have shown patience and self control (what gets us in trouble). I am looking forward to the finish product when all these will pay off.
I agree with everyone. Your collection of angels is very impressive, and the finished product will definitely be something to see.:thumbsup:
Thanks everyone.... Its tough to not just throw them in there! These guys eat anything I throw in (frozen, flakes, etc..) they are monsters! Im dealing with some dinos in the DT and trying to figure out how to get rid of it so any ideas? All the params are on point and it seems to have bloomed (after i siphoned it) once i did a large water change. I dont wanna add any chemicals.....
Thanks everyone.... Its tough to not just throw them in there! These guys eat anything I throw in (frozen, flakes, etc..) they are monsters! Im dealing with some dinos in the DT and trying to figure out how to get rid of it so any ideas? All the params are on point and it seems to have bloomed (after i siphoned it) once i did a large water change. I dont wanna add any chemicals.....

What is your clean-up crew like? Whenever I've had dino, water changes/siphoning and patience always seemed to work.
I have like 5-10 trochus snails, 5 nassarius snails, and a few crabs. I know its weak but ive been looking for more trochus and large nassarius locally with no luck. Canes, are there any CUC that eat that stuff?$&!?
Dont know... Im guessing its a new tank thing im dealing with that will work itself out but id love to get rid of it faster if i could! The bioload is somewhat low now and the skimmer is kickin hard so cant figure out why its happening. Ca is high 400s and alk is around 10. Rest of params are perfect and ph is between 8.3-8.1
I don't know ant that I know eat it, but having a good amount of snails seem to help detach it from the rock so it gets into the water column and eventually filtered out with a filter sock. I've never really had any major problems with it, just occasional patches. What kind of rock do you have? I started to look through the thread and got to the 4th page and decided to just ask. I've been following this thread from the beginning and I can't believe it's already been more than 6 months. I'm sure for you it seems like it has been a lot longer.
Its a mixture of Haitian LR, Fiji, and some misc pieces from who knows where. All the rock came from my prior tank so its fully live and cycled but the sand is CoraPet and its new sand so that may be the issue. Marvin may have a point and it may just be silicates that have to run out so the algae goes away. Its just a guess at this point but im looking for some concrete answers.

Thanks for the kind word canes... its been a long process and patience is not my strong suit but ive tried to learn from all you guys and from my own past mistakes and design this system around all that. Standby for more updates too!!!

After these guys are in the DT I will have 6 fish (pending the multibar makes it) and may start looking for my final one... A Tinkeri Butterfly
Its a mixture of Haitian LR, Fiji, and some misc pieces from who knows where. All the rock came from my prior tank so its fully live and cycled but the sand is CoraPet and its new sand so that may be the issue. Marvin may have a point and it may just be silicates that have to run out so the algae goes away. Its just a guess at this point but im looking for some concrete answers.

Thanks for the kind word canes... its been a long process and patience is not my strong suit but ive tried to learn from all you guys and from my own past mistakes and design this system around all that. Standby for more updates too!!!

After these guys are in the DT I will have 6 fish (pending the multibar makes it) and may start looking for my final one... A Tinkeri Butterfly

I was wondering if you added in some pieces of dry rock. I've read a few stories where people didn't clean the dry rock they bought good enough and had similar problems. At this point, my guess would be that Marvin is right, and it is probably because of the sand. I think it will go away with time. I think if you used a toothbrush, or something, and scraped it off the rocks and siphoned it out, once a week or so, then you might be able to speed up the process a little. I don't know for a fact that this would work, but it seems pretty logical. Then again, many things in this hobby defy logic.

Anyway, you're tank is coming out great and this is nothing more than a roadbumb.
Another roadbump...

I had 3 gorgeous angels in QT (orange tail emperor, griffis, and a multibarred). Unfortunately, in 3 days i was planning on moving them to my DT but as im coming home from work tonite i get a frantic call from my wife that all 3 angels are dying! I ran home and i transferred the emperor and multibar but the griff was a goner. Hoping the emp and multibar make it...

Tomorrow ill run some tests in my QT to see what happened.