Gobie ID please


Active member
What kind of goby is this? The lfs had it listed as a Bumble bee Goby but thats a FW fish and I can't find it on any of the SW fish sites. It looks like a Watchman Wheeler's Goby to me.

wheelers watchman goby. they do pair up with shrimp so you could add him a friend if you wanted to.
yep. Amblyeleotris wheeleri (Wheelers Shrimp Golby) they should pair up with a pistol shrimp (Alpheus sp). just like many shrimp gobies
Ill have to look up info on pistol shrimp. Maybe Ill pick one up next week when I go to the fish warehouse ( Gerbers ) and get my royal gramma.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6509246#post6509246 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Andrew
Pistol shrimp are reef safe right and won't bother my other fish?

Sounds good. How much do they run in cost? I need to know how much to bring. Was $20 a good price for that goby?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6509263#post6509263 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Andrew
Was $20 a good price for that goby?

If it was worth $20 to you then yes. Ben gave me the pistol so I have no idea what they cost.
Great price. Very interesting gobies. They will sit in their favorite spot and just watch. When threatened, they raise their gill plates and look bigger. One of my favorite fish, but I haven't been able to keep them in my tank with my more aggressive fish.
I think $20 was a good price. The only thing that worries me is hes wild but hopefully putting him in the qt for awhile will make sure he doesn't have any diseases. Ill go and get some frozen foods in the monring and try some of the foods I have now and see if he starts eating.

Is there a way to tell the difference between males and females?
Just checked on him and hes doing fine in acclimation. Still anthor hour to go. If the percula picks on him im going to put in the bucket and take him to the lfs in the morning for a trade in for some fish food. Hes been getting really mean and was attacking the chromis when they were in the qt tank. Today he attacked my hand when I put more pvc pipe in the tank.