Gobie74's wide peninsula 200

So I started playing around with the macro lens a bit and out of 10 or so shots that looked decent on the camera, only two really were good once I got them on the PC for one reason or another.



I was trying to get more fish shots, but was having trouble getting them to stay still :hmm4: I have to learn a bit more about the manual and semi manual modes of the camera so I can adjust the shutter speed to get more than a blur.
Good news everyone, the clowns have started breeding again...


+ 5 points if you know the obvious reference
+ 20 points for the not so obvious reference
I was having a bit of a bryopsis problem, and I say was because I tried the 'raise mag to 1600 ppm' method to get rid of it and it worked like magic! It took a whole lot of magnesium to do it, a 64 oz bottle of Kent Tech M and a lot of Mag-Chloride ( from dosing container ) and Mag-Sulfate ( CVS brand Epson Salts ), but I'm between 1650 and 1700 and the bryopsis is melting away. At its current rate, should be completely gone by the weekend.

Also, I ran out of Reef Crystals and started really using the Tropic Marin Bio-Active salt I picked up not too long ago. After a 20 gallon water change this week, I've notice some dramatic differences. Most notable, the anemones have changed from a darkish red to an absolutely gorgeous shade of pink! So nice, I have to get a good picture. I've also notice the water looking crystal clear and I haven't had to clean the glass in almost a week. Another big water change this weekend coming up and we'll see how things are looking.

Been reading more about Camera RAW in Photoshop CS5, hopefully I can use some of the tips soon on some new pictures.
Very nice tank. Love the setup. I really like your sump/refugium design. If you don't mind do you think you could tell me the dimensions of your sump and the compartments and how many gallons.

Thank you,
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Very nice tank. Love the setup. I really like your sump/refugium design. If you don't mind do you think you could tell me the dimensions of your sump and the compartments and how many gallons.

Thank you,

Sure no problem. It'll have to wait til sometime over the weekend, but I'll get that info for you.

On an unrelated note, ordered 6 upgrade units for my lights yesterday. Hopefully they will be here next week. That'll be my excuse for not making it to MACNA this year, used the money for lights :)
Very nice tank. Love the setup. I really like your sump/refugium design. If you don't mind do you think you could tell me the dimensions of your sump and the compartments and how many gallons.

Thank you,

Sorry it took a little while longer than I said it would to get back to you.

The sump is 48" long, 16" tall and 20" wide.

The refugium compartment is 12" long, 20" wide, and has 10.5" inches of water in it between the top of the sand bed and the overflow into the return section.

The skimmer / filter sock section is 24" long, 20" wide, and has 12" of water in it. This includes the length taken up by the baffles.

The return section is 12" long, 20" wide, and the water level varies but is usually about 9" to 10" deep.

So if we ignore the thickness of the acrylic, the approximate volumes are

- 11 gallons in the refugium
- 25 gallons in the skimmer section
- 9 to 10 gallons in the return section.
So, since I'm not going to MACNA this year, I felt I had to buy myself an "I'm not going to MACNA" toy to make me feel better about missing it.

Well it was on my doorstep when I got home from work today.

Upgrade kit from Gen 1 AquaIllumination to Gen 2 kit x 6!!!!



Looks like it's going to be a bit of work to do the upgrade, but I'm up for it. I'll have to stop by Home Depot or Lowe's to get a drill bit I need to drill into the aluminum heat sinks to mount the new control boards, and also get a self tapping screw while I'm there since they only sent me 5.

One major change is the power supplies. It used to be 1 for every two modules, now its 1 per module so that doubles the amount of power bricks and cabling to run from the shelf above the tank. Going to be hard to organize all that.

Will probably start the upgrade on Friday or Saturday. I'll take pictures for ya. ( if anyone is still following along now that the tank is 'done' )
in the light area. i liked 25-45%. great tank and fish

Thanks, since I'm using RAW to take pictures now, I don't really adjust the blues, but I do agree with you.

just read through the whole build, lovin' in dude, nice work


Beautiful work!


A while back, if I remember correctly, there was a request for a night time full tank shot. Took this shot with about 45 minutes left in the sunset cycle last night.

Still following along, very nice Gobie...I'm starting my build soon. Getting my 120rr this weekend from a guy in Boston. It's like a brand new tank.
Looks like you've got some work to do this weekend...Those lights are top-notch, a little out of my league at this point....
Nice! Now get to work. :D

Now that's the pot calling the kettle black!

I haven't seen your build thread post yet, after all that work moving your tank, eating your burgers and drinking your beer, I'd at least expect some pictures!