Golden Angelfish (Centropyge aurantia) - Should I?


New member
A local reefer is selling his golden angelfish (Centropyge aurantia) for $65.00. He's had it several years, and it hasn't bothered any of the corals in his tank.

I've never seen one of these in person before. Looks like they are timid and shy, and pretty rare and expensive.

Are these similar to regal angels, i.e. not suited to active tanks? My hope is that since he's a few years old, he know how to be an aquarium fish.

How do these rank on the "will / won't" bother corals? More like flames/CBs or more like lemonpeels/bicolors?

He'd be going in my 42g with two clowns, one chromis, a mystery wrasse, a midas blenny, and a flame hawk. And I guess an orchid dotty, but I hardly count him since I NEVER see him...

What say you?
They are very reclusive fish and hide in the rocks most of the time. Dave (O2manyfish) has a pair (I think, for sure one) in his 450g and I believe he said he didn't see it or them for a year I believe it was?
Golden Angel is even more reclusive than an Orchid Dottyback, so if you never see the latter .... If you have a fish that you never see, so you actually have it? I added a qt'd and eating venustus Angel to my tank. Saw it briefly after about six months, but not since. Reclusive or dead? Dunno. I'd pass on the golden.
For almost a year my pair of goldens never came out of the rocks, they would wait till food floated under the rocks to eat. Today they come out more to eat, but still never come out and graze on the rocks like other angels. What I have read in the wild they stay in small caves come out grab food, and hurry back in. Which makes them a good choice for smaller aquariums with a bunch of liverock for hiding places. Not like Flame Angels which graze all day long in the open.
Perfect! Thanks for the input, guys.

Maybe I'll try a flame angel. I had one in my old tank and really liked him.
I think they are beautiful fish, but I wouldn't spend the money unless you're ok not seeing it very frequently.
I have one in my 120 and it's always out and about. Granted the tank is 90% Tonga Branch so hiding spots are limited.

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Golden Angel is even more reclusive than an Orchid Dottyback, so if you never see the latter .... If you have a fish that you never see, so you actually have it? I added a qt'd and eating venustus Angel to my tank. Saw it briefly after about six months, but not since. Reclusive or dead? Dunno. I'd pass on the golden.

Haven't seen my Venustus that was eating and QTed for 2.5 weeks now... We shall see.
I have a golden Angel in a 240 with many larger active fishes like tangs and angels. once in a while I can see the golden cruise out in the open but it mostly stays close too the Rockwork. It took him about 8months before learning to easy brine and mysis and it survived by grazing the growing algae on the rocks. Now he loves Nori and when the big fishes swim away he'll come by and take a few picks on the nori. He's quite difficult to get a good picture of.
I had him with some Lps and sps and he loved nipping birdsnest.
Done a little more research. Think I'm gonna try a flameback angel. I know they're fiesty, but he'd need to be in my tank. Read also they are as safe with corals as you can expect (although nothing is guaranteed of course). I've tried flames before...want to try something new.
You will like the flame back. They are very small. Mine in a 450 gal tank and very fat but never got to 2 inches after many years
They are very reclusive fish and hide in the rocks most of the time. Dave (O2manyfish) has a pair (I think, for sure one) in his 450g and I believe he said he didn't see it or them for a year I believe it was?

Dave says he has two. I've got a dozen and no one can prove I don't [emoji3]
I had a golden for 3 months that was pretty active, but still shy and reclusive. They are gorgeous fish. However I moved a month ago and upgraded to a 100 gallon system, and the transfer spooked him big time. For the 2 weeks he was in the new system he never ventured out of his cave and unfortunately refused to eat.

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