Good fish for 40g Bredder Reef?


New member
Hello R.C. community this is my second tank, and I currently have two small bubble tip anemones and a hammer coral. - I plan on getting more hammers/Euphyllia corals in the future and possibly a zoa garden. What fish could I get for my system? I currently have two Clarkii clownfish and a small damsel, and I would like to know which fish I could eventually purchase... I understand 40 gallons limits my options, but I am willing to purchase fish from my LFS and then return them once they outgrow my system. - What future fish options does this give me? Any thoughts appreciated :)
Too small for Tangs& Triggers. Angels love LPS so I think that's a no--no too.
Long Nose Hawk? Can be kept in multiples if desired.
Two clarkiis and a damsel will absolutely own your 40 gallon tank and they will likely attack and kill anything you try to add. Save your money and don't kill any fish.
Sugar Magnolia is correct. A 40g is just big enough for the fish you have now.
You Could get 2 or 3 gobies but stress will leave you with no fish if you try adding more, sorry.
If you want more fish I’d swap out the Clarkiis for Ocellaris or Percula or Skunk. Thry’re more peaceful.

I can only see a Pygmy angel working out in a 40B. That means Flameback, Cherub, Fisher’s, Mtulticolor maybe.

No Tangs.

Royal Gramma, Assessors, Blackcap Basslet, Blennies, Shrimp Gobies, Clown Gobies, Neon Gobies, small Fairy and Flasher Wrasses, Pink Streak and Possum Wrasses, are about the extent of your selection.