Goofy Swim Behavior from Purple Tang

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Scooby Doo

New member
I think my purple tang has gotten a hold of the Mambo No. 5 or something!

Every so often he will start swimming very fast. So fast that he looks like he is cavitating if you can imagine that. If you can imagine a car when it stops too fast, it shakes the dashboard violently, that's what I mean. When he approaches the glass, he will pull up, like pulling back on a horse's reins and head up as far as it takes to stop. Then he will swim the other way the same way. Of course, his breathing is a little faster during this but so would mine if I started running around like crazy.

So what is up with this dude? Attention deficit syndrome maybe?

I think I'm going to name him retard! I'll look over my shoulder and say, hmmm, the retard is at it again.

Thanks. Just wanted to see if other purples did the same.



Sorry dude. You are in the minority here. I've had a couple responses via email as well as on the other board.

Just because YOUR tang does not do this, doesn't mean it isn't common. Nor would I immediately assume that he must be stressed. That word is so overused.


I'll back up ctenophore on this one. Tangs usually will do this when they are stressed and the word is used a lot because these animals are easily stressed and eliminating it is probably the largest obstacle to overcome in this hobby.

If this is a chronic activity of your tang, I would recommend really examining what may be causing it. Granted, most every tang will do this at one point or another but to continuously behave in such a manner is a clear indication that something is wrong.
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