Oh, and the sps frags are from the Frag Swap Meet last weekend! Let's see, I believe the first and third are from Julio Perez and the second from JC...correct me if I'm wrong guys!
The above photos were taken with the stock 18-55 lens, but with my "little friend" macro adapter from my Fuji that just happens to fit this lens...it's basically an add on "macro adapter" with a "2x adapter" piggy backed onto it. It just gives a lens that has so-so macro abilities a little more punch. The only issue is that the quality of the glass in these types of lenses are far inferior to the ones used in the slr lenses (and the adapters I have are "no name" generic, so they aren't the best). But I like the results for now nonetheless! Oh, and the settings were just the "program" mode on the camera with the flash off. I have yet to dive into the manual settings.
Egads...I just noticed that I'm also showing off my bryopsis algae in the first two sps frag pics! Got a turbo snail that hasn't eaten it and a green sea hare that I haven't seen hide nor "hare" of. Guess that's one of the pains of having a small tank, a foxface or yellow tang would be cramped in there.
Here's some more with the "normal" lens w/ adapter:
And these are from tonite with my "old buddies" lenses from my prior Pentax cameras (by actinics cause I didn't find my old lenses until the big lights were out):
They were taken with a Vivitar 100mm 3.5 w/ macro adapter (this is an awesome macro/portrait lens) and a pretty old, but good Vivitar Series 1 28-105 3.8 (this is a good zoom to have around since the digital converts it to 1.5 times the focal length).