griss’ Battle with Cyano - all the Things I’ve Tried

Added 2 mL NO3 last night. Didn’t have time to test though. Will add 2 more tonight, not sure if I’ll have time to test though.
Did a 5 gallon WC and changed out carbon and gfo last night. Then added 2 mL NO3. Still can’t bring the skimmer back online as, even with the output wide open, the cup fills in less than a minute. Hoping changing out the carbon will help there.
Okay, did testing tonight.

PO4 - 0.01 PPM with Hanna
NO3 - 2 PPM with Salifert
Alk - Not Registering, Salifert, 4 mos expired
CA - 675 PPM, Salifert, 3 mos expired
MG - 1200 PPM, Salifert, 3 mos expired

Added 3 mL ESV NO3
Added 5 oz BRS Alk

Cyano seems to be retreating as well as the Mermaids cup/wineglass. Green film and turf (possibly HA or maybe early stage Bryopsis) on the increase.

Coralline seems to be increasing.

R. Florida (2 polyps) looking better than ever.

All corals looking really good.

Must say, despite the increase in “nuisance” algae, the tank is looking pretty damn good.
Maybe raise up the skimmer a few inches for a while so it can run.
Didn’t have anything to raise it with, so I turned off ATO this morning and let it run. Came home to a full skimmer cup and low sump. Salinity still at 1.025, so mixing water to top off the sump and will turn ATO back on.
Oh, when I added the alk, snow city in the tank for about 5 minutes. Makes me think the expired test kits might be still accurate.
Alk - Not Registering, Salifert, 4 mos expired
Oh, when I added the alk, snow city in the tank for about 5 minutes. Makes me think the expired test kits might be still accurate.
I believe you can draw a second syringe of the kh reagent, continue doing drops and add the second value to the first max value to get your total alk. Of course, the precipitation event you just had might make that not necessary.:unsure:
I believe you can draw a second syringe of the kh reagent, continue doing drops and add the second value to the first max value to get your total alk. Of course, the precipitation event you just had might make that not necessary.:unsure:
The sample changed to the finish color almost immediately after dropping in the first drop of reagent. So, that makes me think the Alk is really low and adding it caused the high Ca to precipitate out. Am I thinking wrong or misunderstanding something?

I'll note here that I've been in the hobby since 1986 (FO) and 1990 (reef tanks). I've never been one to do testing or chase numbers and have had quite a few very successful tanks...until the recent problems. I'm starting to think that my recent issue have to do with multiple things. One being the hydrometer being out of calibration leading to low salinity for who knows how long. Another being (if I am remembering something @kharmaguru said) low Alk due to the high values of Ca in my salt mix.

I know I said I was going to do this a while back, but I'm thinking I really need to mix a fresh batch of water and test it to see if the batch of salt I have is really that high in Ca. And, yes I know, I really need to get new (unexpired) kits to replace those that are a couple months expired.
IF these expired test kits are anywhere near accurate, I’ve discovered the problem. Just mixed 5 gallons for a water change and tested it (only for Ca and Alk)…

Dramatic pause…

Ca - 820 PPM
dKH - 5

Added 25 mL BRS alk solution to the water mixing in the bucket. Turned to snow immediately, assuming precipitating out the Ca. Will test again in a bit.
< 5.3 dKH
645 ppm Ca

So, every time I’m doing a water change, I’m blowing up my Ca level and dropping my Alk.
Added 25 mL BRS alk solution to the water mixing in the bucket. Turned to snow immediately, assuming precipitating out the Ca. Will test again in a bit.
Are you just dumping it in or dribbling it in? A concentrated zone of high PH (from something like soda ash) will cause precipitation. Is 25ml the bucket dose or the tank dose?
< 5.3 dKH
645 ppm Ca

So, every time I’m doing a water change, I’m blowing up my Ca level and dropping my Alk.
While that is possible you really need to get your values verified with non-expired kits. Just saying.
Are you just dumping it in or dribbling it in? A concentrated zone of high PH (from something like soda ash) will cause precipitation. Is 25ml the bucket dose or the tank dose?

Slowly adding a couple mL at a time. That’s the dose for the bucket.

While that is possible you really need to get your values verified with non-expired kits. Just saying.

Oh, I agree. Nowhere near to get kits other than API from Petco or Petsmart. If I remember correctly, API aren’t the best. Plus, when I do test I prefer Salifert or Red Sea. So, I’ll need to order online.
Oops, got my replies mixed up. I dumped the 25 mL to the mixing bucket all at once. I’m slowly adding 200 mL to the DT. Even dribbling in 1-2 mL at a time is creating a small cloud.
I’ll see if I can take a sample to a not so-LFS tomorrow and have them test.

I do have another bucket of salt with a different lot number I can test against.
Slowly adding a couple mL at a time. That’s the dose for the bucket.

Oh, I agree. Nowhere near to get kits other than API from Petco or Petsmart. If I remember correctly, API aren’t the best. Plus, when I do test I prefer Salifert or Red Sea. So, I’ll need to order online.
I thought you 'Muricans had BRS on speed dial. :LOL: