I am starting to see some hair algea through out my time, not a lot let thats why i am asking if anyone knows some good and effect ways to get rid of this. My tank is a 55g 260w of PC's half day and half actinic. I am running a emporer 280, millinuim 2000 and a 150 seaclone skimmer. It has been up and running for about 9 months. The livestock that i have are :
-Kole tang
-Percula Clown
-Magenta Basselet
-Six Lined Wrasse
-Porcupine Puffer
-Hammer Head
Any remedies will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
-Kole tang
-Percula Clown
-Magenta Basselet
-Six Lined Wrasse
-Porcupine Puffer
-Hammer Head
Any remedies will be greatly appreciated. Thanks