Hanna HI747 Copper LR Checker: Saltwater Use


New member
I cannot for the life of me read any of the available test kits for copper. Seemed like my only chance was with the Hanna Copper Checker but Hanna has said that they cannot recommend its use in saltwater. I checked all over and most everyone said the same thing, except I randomly found one ReefCentral member (josephxsxn) who had shown the test kit working with Cuprion. I asked him if he had ever tested it to work with Cuprion and he showed what he did. It was however tested in freshwater.

I went ahead and purchased the Low Range Copper Checker to see if it would work for Seachem Cupramine in saltwater.

My method to test was to mix .5ml of Cupramine with 10 Liters of RODI. This should give me a reference of .5ppm. I would then do the same thing with 35ppt saltwater.

I ran the test 3x for each mixture, added the results, then divided the total by 3.

For Freshwater it measured .564ppm.

For Saltwater it measured .570ppm.

The accuracy of the kit is +- 10ppb so these readings fell within that range.

Further research suggests that the well regarded Hach copper test kit uses the same method for measuring copper in saltwater. This makes me wonder why Hanna suggests not using the kit in saltwater. Surely they can spend a day testing with various types of copper and confirming compatibility.

Until someone brings forth compelling evidence that proves otherwise I plan on moving forward to trust the results given by the checker, it seems to work fine.

I am going to ask josephxsxn to bump this thread when he runs his tests on cuprion in saltwater.

Thanks for following along! :D
Hi. I am interested in this test kit to monitor Cupramine treatment too. Have you test it in other range? Say 0.25ppm of Cupramine?
I’m also wondering why Hanna copper test supposedly doesn’t work with Cupramine. I really want a digital readout since I’m terrible with the visual color differences that other tests use.
Hi. I am interested in this test kit to monitor Cupramine treatment too. Have you test it in other range? Say 0.25ppm of Cupramine?

I haven't but I can. Will probably have to be next weekend sometime.

I’m also wondering why Hanna copper test supposedly doesn’t work with Cupramine. I really want a digital readout since I’m terrible with the visual color differences that other tests use.

Me too, I simply cannot for the life of me read the color even though supposedly I am not color blind.
hi everyone, sorry it took me so long to get back to here...

I attempted to replicate the other test I logged on the forms here which was just RO Water. In that test I used half a gallon and 1 drop of Cuprion which was projected to reach ~0.4ppm, in that test the Colorimeter read out 484 ppb which was close enough if you take into account accuracy, etc...

I tested the water salinity before to log the S.G. and temperature, this is NeoMarine salt. I premix 150 gallons at a time, this is from a barrel that was mixed weeks ago and is still getting used by my main tanks. It read out 1.027 SG and 20.8 C. I again placed a single drop of Cuprion into the half gallon of premixed water and mixed well; this time the colorimeter read 464ppb.

I have gotten some high results before with this colorimeter if I dont shake it long enough and done let enough time pass before taking the reading.

attached the two photos.


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Interesting. I was told by Hanna that their copper checker would not accurately test chelated copper. Could be a valuable way to more precisely measure Cupramine (I too hate the ambiguous blue slider test).
So far so good. I've stopped worrying about the accuracy of the checker. Seems to work really well. I may switch over to copperpower or coppersafe so will need to buy the other checker. If I go that route I'll be running the same series of tests.

My thinking with these checkers was if it didn't seem accurate I was going to make my own calibration chart and use the hach reagents since they use the same method. You would likely just need a calibration chart.
There a big thread on the other big forum about the Hanna HR copper tester

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I just got this email from Hana today. Looks like the copper checker is now certified!!!

Hi there,

We are pleased to announce that our HI702 High Range Copper Checker has been evaluated as accurate for use in saltwater. Results were tested both in-house using commercially available copper medications/standards as well by third party laboratories. A saltwater sample matrix does not show any interferences with this test and results were deemed precise and accurate according to our standards and accuracy statement of ±0.05 ppm ±5% of reading @ 25°C/77°F. HI702 High Range Copper can also be used in freshwater applications.

Copper plays a critical role in fish disease prevention and treatment, specifically in quarantine systems.

We are currently still back ordered on all HI702 copper Checkers and HI702-25 reagents. We are currently waiting on large shipments of HI702 copper Checkers to arrive from manufacturing in Europe.


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HI702 has been working for me with Cupramine. I'm very happy to ditch the slider color kit. The precision isn't as close as I'd like it - ±0.05ppm ±5% of reading (so a reading of 0.50 could be as low as 0.425 or up to 0.575), but it still beats the slider kits. I take the average of two tests to be sure.
FYI both Copper Safe and Copper Power are chelated products, and as such will not be testable by the HI702 (according to its documentation).