Hardware & firmware wish list

Suggestions I would like to mention.

In the probe/sensor controls drop down menu, Possibly under the settings location where the "values to save" screen show, Would it be able to be divided vertically or split to show current active values in one list separate from "values to save" that will be done??

Also in this same drop down menu location in the blank part of the screen under the measurement data tabs, Could a user area be created to input other none probe tests? Such as Alk,Ca, NO3, PO4.... and attached to the measurement data charts for record keeping ?

Just an Idea that would be helpful for tracking and keeping #'s in the same system rather than needing to write them all down in another program like excell.

Thanks for listening. The controller has been very easy to use up to this point...

Frank K
Could a user area be created to input other none probe tests? Such as Alk,Ca, NO3, PO4.... and attached to the measurement data charts for record keeping ?
Very good idea i was going to mention this, would be good once these are entered a graph could be display.
Geez matthias , you will be busy.:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11234298#post11234298 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Matthias Gross
I am always busy - at the moment I am testing the new current pump controlling

I can help testing if a beta / alpha available I have 3x6101 and a wavebox to control
Thank you for this offer. With 3 current pumps and 1 wavebox your are the perfect tester for the new functions.

I will upload the new firmware & ProfiLuxControl (beta versions) as soon as I finished my final tests.
Wow the settings are very nice!! Now to be able to switch from right angle to sinus waves at night to sinus waves,, or any other for that matter would be nice!!
A time controll setting ,, Say example,
Pump Alternation (any pattern ya would like)group1 @30-100% time 10am to 10pm
Pump Alternation (any other pattern ya would like)group2 @30-100% time 10am to 10pm
Then being able to change pump setting to like.
Pump Group1 sinus waves (or any other pattern ya would like) 30-50% 10pm to 10am
Pump Group2 sinus waves (or any other pattern ya would like) 30-50% 10 pm to 10am
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11245310#post11245310 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fishie Nut
I like that, Creetin. Kinda like a tide simulation...

Exactly, Now i can run standard pumps like a tunze 6130 on a timed cycle on each end to get the tidal effect, But to controll the tunze's themselves like that would be optimum. :) JMO
This is very nice matthias!! Alot better than before!!
I am still playing around with it, I have not tried it out fully, But i guess i should before i make requests. ;)
Sorry. LOL
I *just* ordered mine, and am excited about putting it to good use (and adding additional features through custom programming - I just read the API thread!).

But the main thing that I would really like to see and haven't is to have multiple I/O ports, for both digital and analog inputs and outputs. I'd like to to be able to monitor anything that I can provide a buffered 0-5v analog signal for (think flow monitoring or PAR monitoring) or even a digital on/off control (to signal flow through a pipe, for example). The basics (pH, temp, ORP, etc) are great, and any controller should offer that, but I'd love to see a card with 8-16 digital I/O and maybe 4-8 analog I/O ports.

Or... maybe the hardware specs for the bus can be released so that we can create our own modules...?
The issue here is basically "how far do you want to go"

A manufacturer has to base the product on what the majority want, and to start adding such complex features you are taking the unit out of the boundaries of what is deemed useful to most, the price would have to go up as faster and higher spec processors would need to be used and the market would not sustain such a unit.

The profiLux functionality is based on what most want in reality, it is very difficult to balance that with the needs of the fewer users who wish for much higher complexities.

As for releasing bus information, NO manufacturer with any sense of security to their product would release this. before you know it there would be how to build your owns on You Tube!
The Neptune controllers offer up to 42 digital inputs. I understand analog inputs will add additional complexity, but surely digital inputs could be added to the bus, and setup as a virtual probe - 99% of inputs will result in a plug or alarm being turned on or off. Even inputs that are analog could be run through a comparator for a trippoint that gets set as a digital I/O. I also understand that additional I/O will add load to the processor, but if the inputs are polled (instead of handled as an interrupt), then it should alleviate that load.

As for bus information - anyone smart enough to use it can probably reverse engineer it anyway. Releasing spec's of the bus (or any of the hardware) isn't much of a risk - there's little things like branding, marketing, production, etc, etc that are all involved. In any case, an I/O expansion card would take care of almost any need I can think of, negating the need for the bus specs.

In any case, you guys asked for hardware requests - this one feature almost kept me from buying the Profilux....
As you are aware the profiLux offers far greater to control in many other areas

We are sure your new purchase will fulfill your needs, and as you can see the pofilux still offers far more in the main than most controllers on the market and the development continues at a pace.

Welcome to the fantastic community of GHL ProfiLux

GHL North American Distribution center
In ProfiLux Control I'd like to see a way to password protect the Connection to the unit. Since the hardware is potentially accessible from the internet and a malicious individual could potentially harm your tank, I would think this is somewhat reasonable.

Maybe I am just paranoid... but I know they are out to get me. :)

At Probe/sensor controls > Sensor Overview could the temperature there be displayed with the settings from Temperature 1? Then I see F instead of C if I have Fahrenheit selected.

I think I saw this posted before, but at Illumination>Simulation Probability is spelled Propability.

Are the descriptions saved to the hardware or are they only saved in the software?
In network set up the profilux is password protected to stop unauthorised access.

The profiLux itself can also be password protected from the base unit

Windows allows you to set up user accounts, so you can restrict access to the desktop software from there also

can you use the PIN-option?

Fahrenheit & salinity-display modes: In the next ProfiLuxControl (already in progress).

wrong spelling - could not find it last time - will search again

Descriptions: are stored on your PC, directory is for example:
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\ProfiLuxControl
or on an English PC:
C:\documents and settings\Administrator\application data\ProfiLuxControl
Replace "Administrator" with your user name on the PC.
In this directory you will find the file "connections.dat" - here are all connection-informations stored. Further you will find a directory which has your ProfiLux's serialnumber as name. In this directory are all descriptions stored.
The controlling card is already in place, but as said before the cost for a non saturation probe outways the commercial viability. This goes for ANY manufacturer