has anyone ever went on a collection charter?



That is absolutely amazing!!!!

That is such a brilliant idea.

The benefit to peoples understanding of their hobby through interaction with there potential tank additions where they live and how they live is priceless and this company takes you out to do it?

We are lucky here in aus as to be able to collect our own species for our aquarium, but that concept is far better than anything that exits here.

This country of ours seems so great some times yet is so far behind the rest of the world in so many other ways it is not funny.

With controlling measures that could be done here as well but the green groups would knock it on the head for sure!!

In Queensland the Marine Conservation Society controls our marine law makers.

Don’t get me wrong with out some input from these types of groups the ocean would go down the drain quickly, but they go the wrong way and far too far these days.

Thanks for showing that, though it is a little depressing.
from what i have read they farm different areas of the reef on different years to allow for repopulating. and only go to certain areas more then once in a year if a target species is only there. it sounds like they are pretty conservative.

they also farm live rock by placing base rock in the ocean and harvesting it again a year or so later.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14535581#post14535581 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by screwsloose
yup. guaranteed to get the fish you are after or money back. at least thats the way i read the guarantee

Better reread that, it doesn't guarantee specific fish, just that you will come back with fish ;)
yeah i read that again. the number on the website is not a good number for them any longer either so i am thinking they have went under. it sucks but oh well.
I used to take hobbyiests when I collected for a living but we did things a little different, we charged $250 a day, and what ever I collected you got to keep. To me $500 a day and you have to catch your own fish isn't worth it, you can pay $65 for a regular charter and collect your own fish and you will see the same species. The only difference I can see from the website is they supply nets and tanks, but the price difference for no guarentee on being able to catch anything, when I took novices they rarely collected anything, let alone anything worth money, but when I'm with them our goal was to collect the species they wanted, (they would give me a list of the top 5 species they wanted) and that would determine the dive site, and I would collect with/for them.
philter4- do you know anyone that does this still? i really do not care which part of florida it is. i just would like the experience.
another thing that site says is that you can bring boxes of fish on as carry-ons. we all know that is not going to happen. in fact none of the airlines even except them in you checked baggage anymore. In order to get them on the plane you must be a known shipper and have a cargo account.

This is a picture of the vessel's captain and is also likely to be the company's owner. Is this the ***clown you want to give your money too? :confused:

I think it's pretty obvious.
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Hahahahahaaaa... You said, "***clown." :D

Doggonit, that's funny.

Caption for the above picture: "Hey-y'all, watch this!"
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FishIZneat, you can bring fish along as carry-on if you call ahead and get a letter from the TSA. And no one stops me from putting fish as checked luggage, I've recently traveled to CA and HI and both times checked the fish. If I have a choice I'm a known shipper with delta and southwest, but not Hawiian and they let me check the fish with no problems.


That was very interesting Philter4.

sounds like a very good deal you were offering.

I use to collect commercialy here as well,not of my own permit,i worked with another collectors normally.

These days i just do it for the hobby as the club memebers like to go and chase a fish or two.

I show them a few secret spots as i don't care anymore,the drive to collect i used to have has depleted heaps.

The clubbies don't normally get anything so a couple of use that do a bit better catch some things for them and we all have a good day out.

I organised a BBQ boat snorkelling collecting trip for the end of this month,hope the vis is good.

Good to hear what other people with similar experiences have done.

In queensland with out a permit you can only collect on snorkel,that is hard but there are no limits as to how many you can take out side the marine parks,in them it is 5 per 28 days.
growing up I used to mostly snorkel, being a kid and no money to buy gear, and execpt for some of the deep water stuff I've collected every kind of fish on scuba as well as snorkel. I love just being out there.

Liquidg, hope you post photos of your trip/BBQ, I have been to northern Australia, and all over New Guinea, in the late 80's and 90's I made several trips to collect rainbowfish, and during those trips I dove all I could, but I was not keeping marine fish at the time. I sometimes take friends and novice collectors with me as well, and your right, it is rare that they collect anything that has a chance to get away, but the things they see and the fun they have lasts a lifetime, and what ever I collect they can have, I'm out of tank space right now anyway.

FishIZneat, sorry, earlier post was in response to Fishome25


"philter4- do you know anyone that does this still?"
I would probably be somewhere in Southern Florida and would love doing something like that.
I live on the east coast of Florida and dive a lot, where I live their isnt many tropical fish but a few hours south in Palm Beach their is lots of fish. You can walk off the beach and collect if you wanted to.
Sorry I don't know if anyone takes hobbyiests on dives any longer. As I posted above, if you just find a charter captain that allows spearfishing and ask him if he would mind tropical fish collection (even though it is legal, some take a lot of photographers and don't allow collectors, and it is their boat so their rules) and you will see all of the common tropicals around for about $65. Taking a tropical fish charter, make sure you don't just get a boat ride. In my experience, unless you have lots of practice, it isn't easy to catch a fish in the ocean, try to net a fish out of your reef without damaging the tank decor and then imagine the fish can just leave the area. If you find a charter and the money is high (above $100 for the charter) make sure you get instruction and demonstrations, or like I used to do, make sure you get to keep whatever the professional collects so you have something other then a good time to show for your money. I'm not saying it isn't worth it, the divers I've taken probably would have been happy just seeing what and where the fish come from, but being able to say "I was there and helped collect those fish" is a once in a lifetime experience and I got several referals and people repeating their vacations with me.