have you ever had a goby jump out?

My Dracula came with a pistol shrimp but the hogfish in isolation jumped over the divider and ate it. The new Yasha is paired up with a Randalli and on the first night all three shared the dracula's den. The next night and all three nights since, the Dracula has slept by himself next to a pvc tee.

Now that the hogfish is in another tank should I buy the Dracula a replacement Randalli?

Do I need to get a candy striped snapping shrimp with an opposing sexually dimorphic pincer or do same sexes get along in nano-ish sized tanks?

If it is recommended I do introduce a second shrimp for the Dracula should I remove the Dracula and place it and the shrimp in a remote tank alone for bonding? Or can I just acclimate and dump?

Thanks for advice,
Wow, all this talk has got me worried as I'm about to get some goby's. Shall I put a net over the tank or something?
My diamond goby has tried to jump out several times already and I've only had him for a week. I have the top of my tank completely covered with glass. I am planning on switching to a screen top. I ordered some clear screen with 1/8" holes from BRS and I plan on going to Lowe's to get the supplies for the frame.
i have a pair of black ray gobies in a four gallon vase. 9" inches diameter, 19 1/2" tall.
no lid. 5" sandbed with randalls pistol, tunnels everywhere. they dart into their tunnels when they're frightened. i only see the male after they release their larvae, once a week... had them in there almost two years.
i think the trick to keeping gobies from jumping is to pair them with a shrimp, give them a deep sand bed to tunnel into and overhangs to prevent them from making it to the surface. a deep tank also helps.
I lost my diamond goby last night. I have a covered 55 but did not use the plastic pieces on the back so a few inches open. Only had him a week and rarely even saw him leave the bottom. Sad to find him on the floor this morning.

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Yep! Just found my Diamond Goby outside my 10g quarantine tank this morning. It has a glass top except for the back, then I have a sheet of clear plastic against the filter, and I have only a 2"x2" area without cover and on that, I had egg crate. Still managed to jump out! So frustrating.
First fish i ever bought was a fire goby... i didnt kmow gobies jumped.. he jumped out 10 minutes after i put him in... i put him back in.. later i put my hand in the tank and he jumped out again.

Same with a diamond goby... got a nice one.. never saw him he always hid under rocks.. i turned my ligjts off for bed then i saw him come out. I went to bed.. then heard a plop on the floor as he just jumped out.

My yellow watch man goby though hasnt jumped ever