Yeah I'm not sure what I am going to do about the dictyota. It's in a few areas that makes it tough to get to and the stuff seems even harder to remove by hand as it easily breaks off when trying to remove it.
My biggest concern is that it is causing some RTN issues with corals that it is to be growing next to. In my tank, eventually when enough of the algae gets around the coral, I start to notice some recession and in one case complete STN of the coral over a week or two, so I need to do something about it.
So what am I going to do? Well the decision has been sort of made for me. I am planning on doing some renovations at my house in the coming months, redoing the hardwood floors as well as the kitchen and baths. All this construction will make keeping the tank even more difficult in the coming months, so I have decided to take the tank down.
Yup, I am going to pull the tank down.
Two good things will come out of this. Mainly a new and larger tank. Also a chance to start new and rid myself of the dictyota problems I am currently seeing in the tank. So although I am sad to see the end of this tank, I am excited that the next one will be a lot of fun and give me more room to do what I want to do.
OK..before everyone in my club and the surrounding areas PM my for frags when I pull the tank down. I am planning on housing most of my corals at a friend or two's tanks until I can get my new tank up, which I hope is around the end of this year.