Hello, Geezer coming back to this forum. Paul B

Paul, I've been following a guy on FB, Cpl. Frank Wright that's one of the last two survivors to be at Iwo Jima when the flag was raised. He was on the latest flight.
Early this morning, like all mornings I took my hour long walk. When I got close to my house a school bus stopped next to me. The driver, a nice Lady about 50 opened the door and came out to give me a hug. She said the (grammar) school kids on the bus told her about my interview on the news so she had to give me a hug.

You can't make this stuff up. I wonder if school bus drivers stop Brad Pitt to give him a hug. :unsure:
This is the receipt from the profits from my book. I always post the receipts t show that I donate 100% of profits to MS Research in my wife's name. I don't want anyone to feel I make any money from my book


  • MS Receipt, March 24.jpg
    MS Receipt, March 24.jpg
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I am having trouble collecting enough white worms from my 2 cultures because they froze in my garage. It gets cold here on Long Island and I forgot about them. I have been trying to get them to reproduce faster but they are not in the mood so it is slow going but I still have some.

These are a big part of my No quarantine or medicate system because they supply live gut bacteria so I may have to start a new worm culture with the limited supply of worms I still have.

These guys especially are hard to feed but will eat all the live worms I give them. They just had a large lunch of them so should be good for a few days.

My Hippo Tang has a little ich, 7 or 8 spots on either side which I feel is a good thing. That means there are active, live parasites in my tank which are keeping my fish immune. Those spots will disappear in a day or two and hopefully they will also try to attack other fish keeping all my livestock immune.

I realize many people would panic and tear the tank apart, quarantine everything for 74 days, go to church and make a Novena. Break out the copper and Prizapro and call a therapist.

This is a normal and natural thing you want to see in an old and healthy tank. If I never saw a spot on anything, Then I would panic. :sick:

It rained very hard last night and the streets are full of large puddles. I almost had to break out my SCUBA gear to get through some of them. But past the puddles are earth worms. Thousands of them so I picked up a couple.

There is one place I walked through where there wasn't enough room in the street to put my foot down without crushing 3 or 4 of them.

I couldn't take to many because I had no place to put them and being I am not a red neck, I didn't want to keep them in my mouth or pocket so I kept them in my hand. :sick:

After breakfast I will cut them up into bite size pieces but not to small as I still want them to wiggle and feed them to my 3 Waspfish who are slow eaters and don't always get enough to eat.

By the time they realize all that stuff hitting them on their nose is food, all the other fish get it and the stupid waspfish starts looking for food which is all gone. :oops:
Problem is solved with the Red Waspfish. Sometimes they eat and sometimes, or most of the time, they seem to be in a coma. But earthworms wakes them right up and they suck down as much as I give them. :D

It rained hard last night and on my morning walk I picked up a few earthworms. I cut them up into bite size pieces and the wiggling sends the fish over the top. My only problem is the 6 line wrasses will eat the worms as fast as I can cut them so I have to feed him first on the other side of the tank. For fish with such a small mouth, 6 line wrasses can eat some large pieces of food.

Computer Geeks, I will have to replace this 18 year old Windows 7 computer soon and was thinking of this one on the left. What do you think?
I already have a laptop and another desktop. I am just concerned it will be to complicated as I love my Windows 7 but it has problems running my 3 D Printer and some other things.

I am told, it has a setting where I can "sort of" set it so it works kind of like a Windows 7 with the bar on top with my favorites. If not, I don't want it and will just get a new spiral notebook.

Those 2 computers are the same, it's just the one on the left is small form factor. If you must have the taskbar on the top it can be done in windows 11 but requires editing the registry which I'm guessing you would not want to do. If you have someone windows savvy who can help you, then it's no problem but still an annoyance to have to do it that way.

Apologies if I misunderstood what you meant by 'bar on top"
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The guy in the store told me there is a setting on the thing that easily allows the taskbar and favorites at the top of the screen to be shown. I have no idea if that is true as the thing was not plugged in or working. That was Costco and I probably wouldn't buy it from there anyway. I was there for other things and just saw the computers so I checked them out as my wife was shopping.

I probably won't get one for a few months because the Windows 7 works fine. There are just some things it can't do but I have 2 other computers that I can use if needed.

My old Windows 7 is fantastic. It never crashed or blinked. It's like bulletproof and very easy to do whatever I want to do. I can slide pictures around, print and it would probably make me breakfast if I knew which button to push. :)

My wife has a new computer and I don't even know how to save a file of picture on it so I never use it. It also crashes many times causing me to call someone to fix it. I hate the thing. The Chrome laptop I am using now is also almost useless except for typing for a fish forum or E Mail. But thats all I can do. Someone gave it to me for Christmas 3 years ago.

I also don't know how to print from it because it is to confusing for my 75 year old mind to do. Remember I lived over 45 years before computers were invented. I didn't grow up with them like most people did. As you get older, it is much harder to learn new things. 25 years ago I was much sharper and could much more easily learn new things.

When I can't do something on my phone or computer, I call my 11 year old Grand Daughter. :D
Right now I am sitting in front of my tank with the pumps off. I love to do this occasionally because in about 10 minutes, I can see at the surface all sorts of really cool creatures who seem to only come out when it is calm. I have no idea what they do the rest of the time but with the pumps off, they are skittering on the surface.

Many times I see fry of something be they tiny shrimp, new born crabs or new born fish fry. There are usually some type of tiny worm looking things that go by the fastest and of course normal pods. It's just so cool.

The amount of spaghetti worms is amazing as they cover most of the rocks and the corals stretch to their full length seemingly trying to figure out who turned off the tide. It is just really cool and one of the things that fascinates me in this hobby. I know most of us want to see the colorful fish or corals, but those things are very common and we rarely notice or pay attention to the vast amount of unseen life in our reefs.

Of course if you set up your tank last Tuesday, you won't see anything and if you are looking at a quarantined or medicated tank, you will also not see anything.

I just took these pictures looking up at the surface of the water so the top of the pictures is a reflection of the top of my reef looking down.

Nothing exciting happened on my morning walk and I didn't find any worms so my Red Waspfish ate the last worm I had so they had to share it. It is a supposed to rain tonight so I assume I will find some.

I use my morning walks alone to do my thinking and inventing. Unfortunately my old brain doesn't have an off switch so I can't stop it, even when I am trying to sleep which is annoying. (The VA tells me that is due to PTSD, I think it's because I was born the year after TV was invented.

If I don't take something to sleep, (and I have a variety of things to take) I am virtually wasting my time closing my eyes in bed because invariably some stupid creation will jump into my head which will take up 98% of my mental acuity causing me to wake up like 12:00 midnight, then 2:00 am, then 3:30 then 4:30 when I get up anyway.

Not that I want to, it just happens. It is also an old thing as I believe many older "Gentlemen" have this issue.

If I remember,25 years ago, I used to be able to sleep. I am working on a very cool kitchen cabinet creation now and my prototype, which is almost completed is working flawlessly. If it works well I will pursue another patent which is also why I can't disclose it.

I already have two patents and they don't give them to you for free. My last creation didn't qualify for a patent but I thought an insulated Bikini for cold water was a good idea. :unsure:

I rotated the tires on one of my Jeeps but I had to make a device to be able to do it. Not only you of course have to lift the tire and line it up, but you also have to hold it there with one hand to try to start the lug nut. I lower the car just enough so I don't really have to lift the tire but you have to be exact with that or the holes won't line up.

I was a mechanic and changed thousands of tires thousands but I was 50 years younger then. Also, SUV tires are much larger and I have larger tires than are supposed be on the car but that isn't the issue.

Most older cars had threaded lugs sticking out from the hub so all you had to do was lift the tire and throw it on the lugs and they would hold it there so all you had to do was put on the nuts.

My Jeep and I assume many cars now don't use that simple system, There are no threaded lugs sticking out so you have to hold up the tire, There are only holes in the hub so you have lay on the street so you can line up the holes while you are holding the tire because there is nothing to hold the tire up so you can line it up to start the lug .

I invented a thing that holds the tire in position while you screw it in but I shouldn't have to do that. I had to buy a lug that fits my car because it is a proprietary thread, meaning you have to get it from Jeep because it is not a standard size thread as they want you to buy the lugs from them.
Then I cut the top of the lug off and weld a rod onto it the same diameter as the thread but much longer. This way with the tire off, I screw in this device and just throw the tire on so it lines it up.

I would like to call the engineer who thought of this stupid system and tell him to get in touch with the engineering school he went to and see if he could get his money back.

I also noticed my front tires are wearing on one side meaning I need an alignment. I do that with a string and will do it another day. I'm not giving Jeep any money for a simple thing like that because I am not a Jiboni. :cool:
