I got my wife a new computer for Christmas. Her old one may have caught urenema from my old Chrome book although it never went on these disease sites so I'm not sure how it got infected.
It was about $600.00 but being it is almost Black Friday it was $220.00 off. You can see how much they make on these things if they can give you that much off and still make a profit.
They probably knock them out in China for $1.75.
I am typing on my new computer now. Can you notice how crisp the letters are?
My tank is going better than my wildest dreams. Well almost as my wildest dreams consist of "other" things but it couldn't be better.
Some of my fish are older than some members on these forums.
I would like to add more clown gobies of different colors and maybe some more neon gobies. Those tiny fish get lost in the corals and are hard to see. I don't know how many I have but I would guess about a dozen. Very cool fish.
I haven't seen my Harlequin shrimp in a week or two but I am sure he is in there someplace munching on one of my hundreds of asternia stars.
One of these days I also may change some water but I have been having back issues with a surgery and I need another back procedure so unless the crabs want to change it themselves, it may go a few more months. This next change I may drive 25 miles east to the end of Long Island because the water here is full of fertilizer and insecticide from all the farms and golf courses.
I have been "lucky" that none of those flying parasites got into my tank even though the sea is 90 yards behind my tank, I keep the door closed tightly to prevent that and don't open any sick fish sites near my computer.
I found almost no amphipods this summer and they may be becoming extinct. I am not sure why. But I did take some mud for the bacteria and diversity. Yesterday I also picked up more muddy earthworms from Walmart. I need a few of those along with my whiteworms and frozen food to keep my fish immune.
I "fixed" my new book even though about 2 dozen already sold. I found out that 4 pictures were missing and some of the text was screwed up. I am not sure how that happened but I may have to fire my editor. I had to re submit an entirely new manuscript.
Tomorrow I will start Christmas decorations. We are having a big Christmas party at my house and I need to put away summer deck furniture, remove Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations and start Christmas.
So, in short, this post is about nothing as I am waiting for my wife to get up so we can go to Manhattan to my kids and Grand Kids.