Help Identify this Macro


New member
I know, I know but I've been searching all the sites and can't find this one or really anything like. It came on some live rock 4 years ago from I don't know where. I harvest it about every 4 months.

It is red and leafy. It freely settles on the floor of the tank not attaching to any rocks or substrate. I close look reveals a leapard like spotting on the leaves most notabble from the side not getting light at the time.

I have never seen anything eat this algae and I really don't plan to get rid of it unless it will harm some of the more delicate corals. In the past 8 years I have been running a fowler with pretty good success with mushrooms only. I apologize for learning by killing some other soft corals including a full rock covered in green buttons which I just noticed after 5 years and two moves 4 buttons have servived. I know have the time money and patients to try to attand to new corals.

First thing to do was find out what is already in there.


Pics: well here they are Files/

listed as weed1, 2 and 3

as a treat there is a short video of a rather aggressive basselet.


Hi black&blue,


It is hard to see the algae in those pictures. It is a red algae. Try looking up Halymenia.
