Hentz 60 SPS Dominant Tank

Somehow I did not subscribe to this thread so I missed some updates. That red dragon is awesome and everything looks great. Good luck with the LED's.
Thanks guys!

So since the damn bubble algae took this guy off my rock, I got a nice shot on growth.
This is about 8 months difference. I purchased these 2 frags about two years ago. In my 75, while everything else exploded they did not. They started to kind of grow and encrust in my 40. I then moved them to this tank and they really kind of exploded!

Today is the first official day my Hydra 26's have finished their Acclimation Mode. I toned it down quite a bit and can honestly say the past week my corals have been paling out a bit.
Still feeding normal, dosing normal and all. So I think it's the lights running at the intensity they're at. I may tone them down a bit.
Hi bps619, I'm not sure but on ZEOvit.com the forums show you how to check that. If I recall, it's simple.

Here's an update. Complete Hydra 26's and my corals love them so far. Though still way too early to tell.
My acros are having some insane polyp extension, especially this Red Dragon. This was the fussiest I've ever seen it at night!

Rad setup
Did a water change today and checked out my acro's. Some of them are looking a little pale, showing great polyp extension still. Due to this, my nutrients are unreadable on an API test kit. ALK sitting at 8.3, Calcium at 420, Mag at ???, and Salinity at 1.026. My theory for corals that are changing to a pale color on are either getting too much light (Month and a half in to LED only) or they may be starving. I've not changed my dosing regimen by any means. Though I have added more corals so I may need to adjust my ZEOvit dosing. I've turned the lights down, even after acclimating for a solid month, and will further decrease the intensity slowly if need-be.

Aside from that, I'm still noticing amazing polyp extension, a little less lately on my Red Dragon. I'm also noticing multiple frags starting to encrust and grow out which is always a great sign.

My bubble algae infestation is growing, almost too quick. I've added a Fox Face who will hopefully start getting it under control. If not, I'm going to manually remove them during a water change with an airline tube by popping them and siphoning out the spores. I WILL WIN THIS!

Other than that, here is a top-down of my Pink Lemonade Acropora from World Wise Aquatics. Amazing prices and customer service and highly recommend them.

Read up some more on ZEOvit today, snooping around the forums. Came across someone stating that if the stones are exhausted, you could see a noticeably difference in corals by then fading in color; pale. Sure enough, my ZEO stones were a little past due to be changed. I'm really hoping this was the case for my pale colors as nothing else has changed.

Did a fresh change of stones, leaving 10% behind as I add 90% new stones. Will keep updates on color!
Did a water change today and checked out my acro's. Some of them are looking a little pale, showing great polyp extension still. Due to this, my nutrients are unreadable on an API test kit. ALK sitting at 8.3, Calcium at 420, Mag at ???, and Salinity at 1.026. My theory for corals that are changing to a pale color on are either getting too much light (Month and a half in to LED only) or they may be starving. I've not changed my dosing regimen by any means. Though I have added more corals so I may need to adjust my ZEOvit dosing. I've turned the lights down, even after acclimating for a solid month, and will further decrease the intensity slowly if need-be.

Aside from that, I'm still noticing amazing polyp extension, a little less lately on my Red Dragon. I'm also noticing multiple frags starting to encrust and grow out which is always a great sign.

My bubble algae infestation is growing, almost too quick. I've added a Fox Face who will hopefully start getting it under control. If not, I'm going to manually remove them during a water change with an airline tube by popping them and siphoning out the spores. I WILL WIN THIS!

Other than that, here is a top-down of my Pink Lemonade Acropora from World Wise Aquatics. Amazing prices and customer service and highly recommend them.

Well that pink lemonade looks great.. Almost like a ssc..
Good luck with the bubbles... I feel your pain!
@reefmutt thanks man!
I agree they're terrible. I actually broke down and did a 10g water change. Used a airline tube to siphon and tweezers to pull. I'd say 75% of my bubble algae is gone. Though still s bit!
Picked up this guy from Aquatic Treasures! Blue/Green are some of my favorite colors together, so I couldn't resist this little guy! Excited to see how ZEOvit and LED's make him color up. (Front frag all the way on the right)

Picked up a must have for all SPS reefs! Green Slimer! I lost mine during my last tank transfer. Happy to say I've got a mini colony now along with a few zoa's to step my game up. Was a random 5 pack that included a blue hornet and rainbow hornet! Lucked out!

Congrats on leaving the nest!
That's quite a time of life. Enjoy it!
Tank looks really good..
It looks like the gsp are gone from the tank.. Probably a good idea.