Hey Jaybird


nothing special, just the only photo I have uploaded of a bird lol
This guy was on my patio railing this morning. I know there's spots, but it was also takin through a screen, so I didn't want to play with it.

Yes. It's a Cooper's Hawk. His dad used to hang in the parking garage across the street. Their nest is on the other side of the river in the trees. We watch them with a telescope. We also feed birds on the patio. The dad takes out pigeons from the parking garage. This smaller one wants some of the smaller birds that feed on the patio.

Here's his dad.

The dad pic was in 2011. He's grown quite a bit since then. We know their nesting and winter spots on the hillside along the bank of the river. You can only view the nest when there's no leaves. They move into a cave behind the nest in the winter. We watch them from the patio with a telescope.