Hogfish aggression - will he chill out?


New member
I've had a candy-cane hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus) for about a year. I really like him. He doesn't bother any of my fish (clowns, melanarus, firefish, flame hawkfish) or CUC (snails, emerald crabs...I don't keep shrimp). I added a purple firefish maybe a month ago, and he didn't bother it at all. The firefish is out all the time. He also didn't bother my melanarus wrasse when it was added about 4 months ago.

Recently I added a Hawaiian fourline wrasse (Psudeocheilinus tetrataenia). I read that this wrasse can be feisty, but so far he's really getting picked on by the hogfish. The hogfish pretty much constantly snaps at him. It doesn't seem to be doing much damage, but it's pretty relentless. The fourline spends most of the day hiding in the rockwork.

I have had fish pester newcomers at first, but it usually dies down. Any chance this will? Or has the hogfish reached a level where I basically can't add anything new to the tank? I really like the fourline, and it would be tough to catch.

I expected aggression from my melanarus - he's been totally indifferent to the fourline.

Any thoughts?
In general, Bodianus sp. are jerks, especially as they get older. You may end up having to re-home the hogfish.
+1^^^. IME, I haven't had great success with Candy Cane's and wrasses mixed together. My theory, I believe it's due to the similar body shape and same eating habits of the two.
Bummer. I like the hog more than the fourline, so the fourline will be the one re-homed. Guess I should consider myself lucky that the hog and mel. wrasse get along.
I posted a thread a couple days ago with similar end result.

My candy-cane has turned into a jerk in the last few months. He was a model citizen for well over a year; now he harasses my flasher wrasse and pintail fairy. (My melanarus also ignores the hogfish.)

Unfortunately, I will be re-homing the hogfish.
deleau, does your hog bother your mel. wrasse at all? Just weird that he's zeroing in on this one new wrasse. How easy is it to pester a freaking firefish? And he leaves that fish alone....
No, my hogfish only messes with the McCosters Flasher and Pintail Fairy wrasses.

The hogfish leaves the melanarus wrasse (and the melanarus leaves the hogfish alone) alone along with two PJ cardinals and rabbitfish. My tank is huge for only those 7 fish.
I was able to remove the wrasse. The hog plays nice with everyone else, so he will stay. Come on, Live Aquaria, "peaceful?"