Home Reef Videos..?

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I directed the powerhead a different way. It was directed to show how water flows can change. The only question I have is the trap? Where did you get yours?
Very nice RJ!

Nice mix of construction background, pics, music, and video. I was shocked to see that it was over 5 min long, I didn't want it to end.

rjwilson37 said:
Hi Everyone, here is my first attempt at using Pemier Elements in making a movie, I hope you like it.

The movie is 21mb, picture and movie mix.

:artist: :beer: Absolutely one of the nicest videos posted yet!!! The tank is gorgeous..your monti's are great, the pictures and video are just beautifully done. One of them, brain or blasto(?) reminds me of a Van Gogh painting. I can't remember, is that Clannad or who for the music? Haven't heard it in a long time.

Do more more more!! I'm very impressed.
Forgot to ask..what kind of eel? I hear mixed opinions on whether reef safe or not...will they go after my very small fish, sexy shrimp, cleaner shrimp, much pod eating? thx!
I had one, in my case it was reef safe, the only reason I got rid of it, was that is eats a lot, there for pooping a lot :) messing up my nitrates.
eidillitih said:
very nice RJ! great color and I love the eel. I wanted to get one last week but I have two shrimps

Ditto on the video RJ.... very nice.... Have you got a cover over the tank to keep the eel from getting out..??

Thanks Everyone!, I have the glass cover's on to keep my Snowflake Eel from trying to wonder outside the tanks domain. I have two cleaner shrimp and an Emerald Crab that he doesn't seem to bother or really care about, but I do feed him every other day with about 6-8 krill which I am sure helps keep him at bay.

Oh... The music artist is Loreena McKennitt, not 100% sure on the spelling of her name, but I do like her music.
Gregm, great video. I finally had the time to watch it.

RJ, that was very nice as well. I love your eel because it comes out all the time.
Thanks Steve, is it normal for the premiere elements software to take like almost an hour to render everything to the final wmv movie file that I have posted. I choose the export and it takes quite a while for it to compile the final output.
depends on ur computer :)
it takes me 2 minutes to do render 20 meg, i use the export option 2.
i have 2 gig of memory with an intel 3.2
rjwilson37 said:
Thanks Steve, is it normal for the premiere elements software to take like almost an hour to render everything to the final wmv movie file that I have posted. I choose the export and it takes quite a while for it to compile the final output.

Try Vegas Moviestudio - very good program. Very easy and very stable.
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