Home Reef Videos..?

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Thanks, Jonathan and Marc :)

For every minute of video that makes the final cut, at least 15 minutes are discarded. It was pure luck that the crab stayed on its back that long for the sake of the music chosen. Often, when I would put it on it's back it would right itself rather quickly. And then there were the times it "played dead" on its back, which was kind of frustrating since what's a video without action ;)

This crab seemed to be a detritus and macroalgae eater. Tried baiting it with scallop and jumbo shrimp pieces a few times without success. Well, part of the problem with the baiting thing might have had something to do with the bait stealer, but on one occasion, the bait was neither stolen nor did it lure the white-backed crab into the trap.

Still think we have more crabs in all three tanks. Think there's one left in the 37g and at least two in the 67g that strip coralline algae. Don't know if these kinds of crabs will eat meaty foods, but I'm counting on it. The hardest thing about baiting the 67g are the two cleaner shrimp who remove the bait. And if the bait is secured to a small rock with onion bag and an elastic, they still get in to dine. I guess that's not so bad as long as I catch the crabs. The 120g appears to also have another macroalgae eater based on finding bits of MA on the tank bottom after the white-backed crab was removed and tank maintenance was done. Arrrgghhh! Ah, well, might be a few more videos in the future if we can lure these crabs into traps ;)

Have had more bait stolen in the 120g since the bait stealing video. Have also had bait slimed in the bait glass in the 37g. Seems we've now got two tanks to figure out where the worms are hiding :( Worms in both tanks have been seen in action, but they retreat quickly and it's difficult to see the rock to where they retreat. Because they both leave slime on the bait, I strongly suspect oenone worms in both tanks. Here's an old thread of mine about past worm problems....

About the MA bits around the tank: I have several times witnessed my female maroon clown tear off a stalk of macro and in a seemingly angry motion, spit it across the tank. Do you have a psycho clown too?:D

No psycho clowns in that tank, but have a pair of tomatoes in the 67g that I wouldn't want to meet up with in a dark alley :rollface:

There are a couple of fish in the 120g that do go after one species of MA, which was severely pruned yesterday. The MA that is uncharacteristically being found on the tank floor is one that is red and grows in a large cluster from one certain rock. It's almost a big in diameter as a pencil and is rather stiff. Have never seen ID pics of it anywhere, but it can be seen in the missing bait video where the slimed bait was stashed. I've also found bite marks on several of the branches lately, which I haven't seen before.
Time out from worm talk!! :)

This is the tank transition from the 210 to the 30 cube to the 75gal. Kept a few things I really liked in holding in my 30 cube, then setup my 75 as the new mini-reef, and added more little tiny guys. My twinspot and rainford goby are all I kept from the 210, the clip of the rainford was one where he ate too big a mouthful of algae! Long saga on my tank situation at this point, so this will be the last for a few months, everyone is doing well at another reefers house until I have moved and settled into my new country digs!! :rollface:

However, if I get anything good at the Shedd this weekend, while at IMAC, I'll post a bit of eye-candy...I can't wait to go see the JELLIES!!!!!

No critiques allowed :eek1:, my focus and lighting and such are still off!!! :mad2: ;)

Wee Little Fishies (Southern Cross - CSN)
That's a great video Amy! I can't even come close to that yet. Great shots of the rics and the rainford scares me because I just had a wrasse choke to death on a clump of algae.
Nice sequence Beverly. How did you go about selling the GBTA? Local or did you ship it? Mine seems to be in mid-split but I can't quite tell. It looks a lot like yours and it is super stretched under its rock.

heuerfan Nice action on that fish. It would make a great salmon lure! (you know I am joking right??):D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7258636#post7258636 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
That's a great video Amy! I can't even come close to that yet. Great shots of the rics and the rainford scares me because I just had a wrasse choke to death on a clump of algae.

Believe me, I had net in hand and was in panic for about 10 minutes watching very closely, with tweezers awaiting too. Finally he got it gulped and portions spit out. That part was too fuzzy to show.

Beverly, nice serene as usual!!

FLASHERS - owe I'm so jealous, they're such beauties!!

Sold the splitting GBTA to a local reefer. Cannot conceive of ever shipping anything live. BTW, the splitting GBTA had two mouths when I sold it, but has not since split in the new owner's tank. Don't know why it hasn't split, but that's a GBTA for you :rollface:

In the last two clips, the GBTA has spread out quite a bit and has a diameter, at its widest point of about 6-7". Have been thinking this clone was going to split for at least the last 6 weeks. It hasn't split, but did move its foot to the left side of the rock it is anchored to.


More footage of that flasher wrasse, please :cool:
Great videos everyone..... Glad to see one from you again Amy... Beverly, very nice music and sequencing ( as always )...

Sorry to have been so hit or miss lately folks ( just in case you all HAVE missed me... lol )... I don't realize how much my new job takes out of me until I get home and then I just want to take it easy and not do much of anything else....

I've kind off changed focus a bit and started putting more emphasis into the house than into my tanks so that's why I've not posted anything new for a long while but I still enjoy checking on the thread and seeing that it's still going strong....

I promise I'll work something up soon ( using footage that my wife took last month )...


Good to see you post. It's been awhile since reading anything from you. Dont' apologize for doing stuff with your house. You DO have a life away from the hobby :)
The link of my movie from last year doesn't exist longer. Don't worry about that....I have a new one. :D

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