Home Reef Videos..?

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I don't think it's a good idea to poison the food. The poison would certainly get into the water column and probably poison all the critters I want in the tank ;)

Not even going to wait up all night! That's when I sleep :D

Only family member left in the house is my dear husband, who knows NOT to mess with my head :lol: :rollface:

Actually, I think I might try baiting the trap tonight. Will take pics or shoot some video of the worm-catching setup I have in mind. Will post anything that I find, though, probably won't find anything now that I'm looking for it :rolleyes:
There are products just for worms. The issue is that they are really tough to trap or catch, but you don't even know if it is a worm yet. Maybe set up a camera to take time-lapse pictures while you sleep?
Actually thought of doing timelapse of the baited trap, but decided the flash going off every 5 or 10 minutes would bother the fish too much and would probably also scare any self-respecting nocturnal worm into staying in for the night. I've read that some of these weird worms, like the oenone we used to have, recoil into their holes at the slightest movement around the tank. Also, when I did the timelapse night movies of our GBTA, there were no fish in the tank. We had to use a night light over the tank so the camera had something to focus on before flashing.

Hmm.... I'll think the timelapse thing over again, though.
Red light may help illuminate and not disturb the critters. I use a red light flashlight at night to search around my tank. Doesn't seem to bother anyone.
Beverly, you need to round up the family and take look-out turns for crying out loud!!! We MUST know what this skulker-lurker is. :)

The red light will probably not disturb the fish, but the flash every 5 or 10 minutes sure will :D


Still need light on the tank to operate a webcam ;) Actually, we used to have a webcam in our finch aviary for a couple of years when we lived in a house. It was very cool :cool: Moved into a condo three years ago and had to let go of the webcam.


Tried the nylon stocking in the tall glass method last night. Secured a piece of uncooked shrimp to a small rock using some onion bag and an elastic. Put this setup into the stocking in the galss. Didn't get anything. No crab, no worm. Nothing, not even detritus.

Was awake at 4 AM briefly and looked in the tank. Did not see anything out of the ordinary. But did see the brown fuzzy crab under the rock where it usually hangs out. It was eating macroalgae, which explains why there are always bits of MA in that corner of the tank on water change day. Have tried baiting this crab a few times previously, but have not caught it. Kinda wonder if it's an algae eater and if it will go for meaty foods at all. Might be wasting my time trying to catch that crab, but will probably keep trying from time to time.

Am recalling that we have baited the 120g before with no strange activities like the one in the video. I have a feeling that whatever animal we are dealing with is getting enough to eat from leftover food from fish feeding, and it only comes out only ocassionally if hungry and is tempted with fresh bait. Plus, it probably had a whopping good meal the other night when it stole the bait, so I think patience in catching this thing is my best ally at the moment.

On another note, the ocellaris pair laid their first batch of eggs almost two weeks ago. The eggs seem to be disappearing over the last few days, and I'm beginning to wonder if there is another (a third crab!) in the 37g that is eating the eggs. For the next few nights, I'll bait the 37g again to see what we might haul out of there.
Can you post a pic of that crab? There are some that eat algae but most are scavengers and will just eat anything they can find.

Would love to get a pic or short video of that crab, but I only see it at night or late evening when it hides under its rock. Too hard to get a pic at those times, I'm afraid. Isn't out at all during the day, but I've noticed that macroalgae has been pulled under its rock this morning. Darned crabs :rolleyes:
sorry Jonathan :D I'm going to do another one, i was just testing it. Also for some reason photobucket makes the quality go down so i'm going to find another web hosing when i do a better video.
here is another video, this one wont make you dizzy. I don't like it that much though, makes all the corals look brown or blend in with the rocks. But you get a good idea how how insane/neurotic my lawnmower blenny is :D

Nice vid...my lawnmower is still getting adjusted but he sure can move fast too!

if you don't have a tripod, you can always put the camera on a box or chair etc. I am more sensative to the movement because of a stroke I had so I have been trying out different methods to get better shots.
Second video shows off your tank much better, Amber :)

Well, we caught another crab today. Sorry for the huge file, but the song and video clips just fit together so well that I had to use the whole Aimee Mann song :cool: Not at all scary music this time...

White-Backed Brown Crab, April 22/06
(320 x 240 pixels, 21.8 MB, 4:30 minutes)
Wow! Where do I start? First of all, great video. Very morose music...perfect and a great soundtrack. And what a nasty looking crab!

You might be the coolest Grandma ever :D
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