Home Reef Videos..?

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7262731#post7262731 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Beverly

Good to see you post. It's been awhile since reading anything from you. Dont' apologize for doing stuff with your house. You DO have a life away from the hobby :)

Thanks Bev...

We're ( my wife and I ) are really going to get our yard in shape and perhaps have a pool installed... There's also some interior projects that we're going to give some attention ( and funds ) to:) But I will try and stay in touch....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7284068#post7284068 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Juca
Hello again

New video

Time of Eating 6Mb

Wow! Cool video Juca. Can you explain your feeding method and why you do it that way? Is it to keep the food within your reach or to stop it from spreading throughout the tank? Most of my fish are to shy for that but I am interested in how you got them to do it. :)

We all speak the same language here on RC! Verdad??

This might be the best shot of a blennie ever:


May I ask, Que es este?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7285494#post7285494 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Interesting. I have never seen it before.

From a DFWMAS member's tank:

It's beautiful. Kind of like a nice ground cover! :lol:

Found something new in my tank while vacuuming today. It's light brown and leafy kind of like an algae but it's in a spot I can't get to with a camera.
Juca, Fabuous tank, video and especially the pics :cool:

The saga of the 120g continues!

I'm going to post all four videos of the saga. Two of the vids have already been posted here, so I will indicate which ones they are. Husband viewed them all in sequence last night and couldn't stop laughing at how the music added tension to just the right places in both the scripts and video action :lol:

A Strange Thing Happened while Baiting Hitchhiker Crabs, April 16, 2006
(7.6 MB, 3:27 minutes, previously posted)

White-Backed Brown Crab, April 22, 2006
(21.3 MB, 4:30 minutes, previously posted)

Crab Baiting Methods, April 18 to April 29, 2006
(8.4 MB, 3:13 minutes, NEW!!)

We Caught A Worm, April 29, 2006
(7.1 MB, 2:18 minutes, NEW!!)

Read Dr. Ron Shimek's Reefkeeping Magazine's article, The Large Worm Turns.
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Great Vid! I found more than 5000 worms in my first load of 200 lbs. of rock when the tub got over-heated. Also found a fat hairy crab...it was vile because the netire surface of a 50g Rubbermaid tub was covered in dead worms. I had tons of bristle worms and maybe 100 of the large flat ones too ranging in size from 6" to 20 "...NASTY.

That's a lot of freakin' worms :eek2: What temp did your water go up to, and for how long? Did the heat kill the coralline and macroalgae?

I'm surprised that more worms didn't come out of the rock when we repeatedly poured the "baked" baking soda concentrate/RO on the rocks we treated. Only had one other small bristleworm come out, and a few msyids come out of three rocks. Slowed down the GSPs, macroalgae and xenia for a few days, but it's all slowly coming back again :)
No idea how high it got. I did find a hairy crab only because its method of cooling off was to sit on top of a rock with most of its body out of the water. Don't know how long either. There was no coraline or macro on hat first bit of rock. It came with the tank...talk about a booby hatched purchase!

I just saw a small worm having a spasm on the sand bed. It is translucent to white with what appear to be bristles down its sides. It looks al ot like the one I pulled out of a dying ricordia last week...I hope it was dying!
29g mixed reef; mostly frags. this is a new tank, so yes i have a bit of cyano. :D

<a href="http://www.zippyvideos.com/2720129575043966/tanktour/"><img src="http://i2.zvhost.com/2/e/ec8swzv4.jpg" border="0" /></a>
New Look

New Look

Well i broke down and re aquascaped my tank. I have many big fish in the tank.I found that the way I had my rock stacked in the center of the tank was taking up to much room. Have lots of swimming room now! Very pleased with the outcome. I added 3 new fish to the tank. A unicorn tang, M Angel, and another perc. I was very lucky in adding the other perc to the tank. He took to the other right away. Both are happy in the Anemone.

crypto Very cool you caught some of that!

hdtvguy I can't get that to work. Is there any special trick to it?
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