Home Reef Videos..?

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Juca, I LOVE that video!!!! Your friend did an awesome job with the pics, and though usually I'd think to many effects/transitions, with this one it was perfect. A LOT of fun to watch!!!!!! :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7173183#post7173183 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Looks like it is from the xanthid family.

It is a Black Fingered Mud Crab. Not reef-safe.


The crab's been in that reef for at least a year, probably as long as three years. Haven't noticed anything missing or partially eaten. What would you look for if xanthid family crabs were doing damage in a person's reef?
Beverly, I LOVE that music!!

I have seen several crabs, caught them, and noticed that some have rounded, 'scooper' like claws, and others have sharper pincher-like claws. Is there a difference in the kinds of things they'll eat, do you guys know?

Beverly, have you seen much of the underside of your LR losing it's pretty algae? That's what happened with one of my crabs (the thing was probably 3+ inches).

BTW, it is still me Amy, I just changed my name in honor of my big baby dufus dog!!! :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7174960#post7174960 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Morgandy
Beverly, I LOVE that music!!

I have seen several crabs, caught them, and noticed that some have rounded, 'scooper' like claws, and others have sharper pincher-like claws. Is there a difference in the kinds of things they'll eat, do you guys know?

Beverly, have you seen much of the underside of your LR losing it's pretty algae? That's what happened with one of my crabs (the thing was probably 3+ inches).

BTW, it is still me Amy, I just changed my name in honor of my big baby dufus dog!!! :)

:lol: What's in a name after all...... I like the new Avatar too Amy...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7174960#post7174960 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Morgandy
Beverly, have you seen much of the underside of your LR losing it's pretty algae? That's what happened with one of my crabs (the thing was probably 3+ inches).


Yes, have noticed coralline disappearing in both the 37g and 67g. That's one of the reasons for the crab-trapping spree. The other reason is that in our BB tanks, we siphon out a lot of detritus each week. All tanks have a low bioload, so it can't all be from the fish, snails and, in the 67g, two cleaner shrimp.

Here's a video of the second crab taken out of the 37g. Watch closely at the opening sequence for the claw coming out of the green mushrooms.....

Caught in our 37g - One Black Claw Crab, April 14, 2006
(320 x 240 pixels, 7.8 MB, 1:38 minutes)

Also, on the weekend, we baited two crab traps in the 120g, but the bait kept disappearing! Here's a video of the strange goings-on in the 120g Saturday night and Sunday morning. Husband says the music reeks of conspiracy :lol:

A Strange Thing Happened while Baiting Hitchhiker Snails - April 16, 2006
(320 x 240 pixels, 7.6 MB, 3:27 minutes)
Great vids...I would be up all night staring at that tank! :D

I have one of those red w/black claw crabs that came in a rock order. I had him in the overflow with a couple of ceriths and turbos and it never bothered them. I finally put it into my 50g refugium, but I really don't know what to do with it. Any suggestions? It's way to small to eat!:D
You da gal Beverly!!! That mystery flick, cannot wait to see more episodes and the finale. Really interesting research there. I take it Arlington Road is a movie? Is it good?

OK, this is my first try at this, so be cool. ;) Had fun doing it anyhow! (Why no sound? Anyone?)
Here's one with the lights on.
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OK so i was bored.....

look i made this video with My Verizon LG-VX8100 cell phone and my phone only takes 15sec clips....so i took like 18 takes to make it.... editing was in Vegas....

Hope you guys like it.... Did it like 15mins

click on the pic to play
MY 55gal
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FunkieReefJunkie It's hard to tell that there is even water in that tank! Nice job.

djbxstream Amazing what you can do with a phone. Wow. Maybe I need to step up from my StartTac!
Very Funkie, Junkie. What a cool tank. I love the walk-around touch tank aspect and equipment. Is that a BK skimmer?

I see you are using the same light movers I am. They really work great and give me excellent coverage. I am lighting my 1000g tank with just 3 Ushio 1000W MH 20K lamps. Two on movers and one in a central dish.

What's up with the pirates? I heard a local DJ talking about pirates today...are pirates popular now? Should I break out my flag and hang it out front?? Or keep living in secret?? :cool:
I bow to you great jnarowe! Now yours is a real tank. :D Yes, BK. I love the light movers as well... it saves my electric meter from spinning like madness. Pirates? Pirates match the colors of Bubble King's silly! :p I say bring out your pirate flag and wave it proudly. :D (For more details I started a thread in the large reef tank forum...uh, something about WARNING).
I'll check it out. No reason to bow. Smaller tanks take more skill. That's why I have the big tank. I would love to have a walk-around like yours but I just couldn't reconcile all the issues of having that in the viewing room and went with an in-wall.
Nice going guys!!! Shameless plug for my paycheck, GO VERIZON!! I give you credit for trying out that method from your phone!

FJ - great tank..The one on the left is the sump? I haven't seen side by side like that before. The tank looks gorgeous. AND, I'll now be singing Thunder Island all day. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7192307#post7192307 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Great vids...I would be up all night staring at that tank! :D
jnarowe, I'd be up looking at that tank, too, but I still reserve night time for sleeping :) Sure am interested in catching whatever stole the bait. Have a few tricks up my sleeve. Might try them out over the coming weekend and get another video out of it :rollface:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7192390#post7192390 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chrismo
Where do you get that creepy mood music! It's scary, I love it, Nice job!
Chrismo, I'm a movie soundtrack junky. There's a used CD store not far from home. Every once in awhile, I drop by to see if there are any good soundtracks for sale. BTW, at the end of each video, I state the music source.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7195819#post7195819 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Morgandy
You da gal Beverly!!! That mystery flick, cannot wait to see more episodes and the finale. Really interesting research there. I take it Arlington Road is a movie? Is it good?
Amy, Might try to catch the bait stealer this weekend. Hope we find out what the THING is, but I'm kinda scared because it might be some kind of HUGE worm :eek2: And then what would we do? BTW, Arlington Road is an excellent thriller. Had to look it up on the IMDb to remember the plot....

FunkieReefJunkie, cool videos :cool:

djbxstream, can hardly wait until you get a camera to see your great look tank better. Very cool that you can get relatively good vids from a cell phone :)
If it's a worm, you might try poisoning the food. getting a large worm out is tough. You would definitely have to wait up all night until it came out into the clearing. Are worms that smart? I would think it more likely a crab. never know...it could be a family member screwing with you! :D
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