How can I make MH lighting system look good with out a canopy?


Active member
I have a 200g tank thats seven foot long. Currently my tank has a canopy which consist of two 400w MH with four 48'' T5's I'm trying to figure out how to save in electricity. I've looked into the LED's and T5's. Even if I made my own DIY setup, it's way over my head in cost.

So I've been looking into getting rid of the canopy. I'm thinking by getting rid of the canopy. I can run just the two MH's, ditch the T5's, and put the MH's in some nice looking pendents. Also by not having the lights in a canopy, the tank won't get hot. So there will be no need for my chiller to run.

My big concern is that if I go with out the canopy, The lighting system must look good.

Please can you show me pictures of nice looking MH's over a tank, with out a canopy?

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>