how do i mount these?


New member
just brought some zoa's home from my trip, one bunch i got is actually a ball. totally covering the rock they are on - i see no rock! how can i attach these so they stop blowing around? please advise!

i actually got a few different kinds. no pics yet, because they aren't really opened.

hope they open up! i kelt them alive in the hotel room for 3 days, in a make shift container with a heat pack (kept water at 78 degrees!) and replaced the hotel light with a 6500K PC bulb! i will post pictures in the nano tank section soon!
I would try examining the ball of zoo's closely and see if there is an opening in the mat anywhere that would allow you to get a razor blade under and pull part of the mat up. Then use some super glue gel to attach it to a rock.:)
ok, just took a better look. i did find a small opening. i took a toothpick and put it into the opening and stuck the other end into a rock. that will hold it there for now. any better ideas?
I'd cut/split the ball in half and glue each 1/2 to some rubble. That way you have 2 frags in case something should happen...hard lessons learn many times over.

You can use a razor blade to score the rock and then either use a chisel or a big snip and cut the abll in 1/2
I agree with the above comment.

If you want your zoas to attach to another colony it would be better to cut them with a blade and glue them down now versus separating the colony later.
pictures of? the hotel tank? it is in my gallery, hope to do a write up shortly. or the buttons?
it was a business trip to gather info on a new project we are helping another facility with.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6617715#post6617715 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yuhsuen
I'd cut/split the ball in half and glue each 1/2 to some rubble. That way you have 2 frags in case something should happen...hard lessons learn many times over.

You can use a razor blade to score the rock and then either use a chisel or a big snip and cut the abll in 1/2

The above comment is hands down the best way to do it. ;)

I'd use the chisel and a very thick soft towel. Place em on the towel and give the colony a good smack right down the middle. Oh, and use a hammer, not your head. :D
first off, thanks for the responses!

here is the best side that has a possibility. the toothpick is the top of the "crack" and goes almost all the way down. should i slice it there with a razor and try to glue it that way? do i dry the cut area off with a towel? is it slimey after being cut? is there really a santa clause? - don't answer that one?


here is the other side that doesn't look very easy!


so what do you think, still get the sledge and log splitter? i dug around with the toothpick and didn't feel anything hard, so i am wondering if there is even a rock in there.
ok, i did as you guys (gals) said. i took it out with a bowl of water, took the hatchet and wacked that thing open. all this fluid came gushing out and they tightened up. i continued cuting until i could peel them back, grabbed the glue, toweled the cut off and glued it to a branch - hope it works!