How do I wash a 100 micron filter sock


New member
Hey guys, well after many considerations as to use or not to use filter socks I have decided to use them.

Went on ebay and purchased 5 of these:

My question is:

How do I wash them after use in order to use them again?
I saw many people use bleach, but isn't bleach TOXIC?!
and also i noticed some people say that bleach ruins the socks.

so how do I wash them?

Thanks guys
I use white vinagar with some Ro or distilled water let it soak for about 30 mins. Then just kind of hand skrub it. People use bleach to get it white again. I can careless. I just what it to catch crap again. Bleach seems to push it a bit to me.
ok, u hand skrub it?
doesn't that widen the holes or something like that? abbrasive?

and how do u get the bleach out of that once u use it?
What's the effective ingredient of bleach? - Chlorine.

What does good ol' fashioned de-chlorinator do? - Removes chlorine.

I'll let you guys figure out the rest . . . :)

Or if you're still unsure, just add a bit of vinegar to the washer and rinse twice. Not as strong as bleach, though.