I have been in and out of this hobby for 10+ years. Not an expert, just a reefer that can't quit. The availability of colorfull corals has exploded in the last five years. Fragging has allowed a small colony of coral to be propagated and dispersed to aquariums all over the world.
That having been said, I can see the benefits of naming a coral. And having lineage can tell the hardiness, color, and other attributes of a coral. The name game has down sides as well. The biggest is that many have slapped a "cool" name on anything slightly differently colored and jacked the price.
The way I see it is if you want the "newest" coral out there, and are willing to shell out the cash do it! If it does well the price WILL drop! There are so many types of coral that have a proven track record of sustainability that no one has a big enough tank for them all. Soon I will get the same coral at my local frag swap.