With the thinned skinned corals any of the dips beyond Lugols is too much.
Sanjay Joshi and I are deepwater acro addicts (thin skinned) and we have shared lots of colonies over the years, and both tried everything with the deep water and the risk factor over reward is just not good enough.
I use a variety of dips depending on what I am going after.
I use Bayer for everything. For Acros I use Melafix. With the Bayer dip after 10mins of dip if you really got at the acros with the turkey baster you can blast the AEFW off.
After 5+ mins in Melafix you will see AEFW actually falling off the acros.
With Bayer you blow the AEFW off and then you watch them squirm on the bottom of your dip tray.
With Melafix, they fall off the acro or you blow them off and the AEFW on the bottom are dead.
I use a dip tray (rubbermaid busboy rubber tray) and a small rio pump with the the insecticide/dips for 15-20 mins depending what I am working on.
Then I go to a second tray of clean tank water and a different rio pump.
I want there to be good flow in the dip to circulate the insecticide all around the corals so they can pull it in through out the coral.
In the second tray of clean water - I like lots of circulation so that as the insecticide comes out of the coral its whisked away.
Second tray is 15-20 mins
Then I go to a 3rd tray of clean tank water. Depending on how rushed I am I like to add lugols at this point. The third tray I let sit for 30+ mins and every 10 mins circulate the water with a different (labelled) turkey bastor.
From tray 3 the corals go to the tanks. If they are new corals before I dip I cut off any bases and leave clean exposed coral skeleton. If new wild colonies, I cut off the exposed cut off point of the coral and then close the fresh skeleton with gel glue.
Having 2 different rinse trays i think is really important. If you don't give the corals time to expel all the insecticide, when you put them in your tank - guess where they release the insecticide.
If you have a small aquarium this can be bad. And even like me if you have lots of gallons and dip a couple of frag racks each with 300+ frags - and they leach out the bad stuff - you can have a big disaster.
Dave B