How rare is this?

I hate this thread. I hate how it reminds me that, even though I live right by the water, it will be a rare day indeed when I'll get to see these things with my own eyes. ;) Keep the pictures coming!
oh my very nice :bounce1::D:bounce3::D:bounce2:
did you say pics with camera phone? nice

This is all you need. Best camera in a phone full stop.

Any pics of the tank that was setup with that liverock you collected? That rock must have all sorts of things growing out of it...
Any pics of the tank that was setup with that liverock you collected? That rock must have all sorts of things growing out of it...

We are still waiting for the stand to be delivered. So the LR is sort of cycling in some tubs for now.
how the legislation to collect corals and anemones to take you to your reef?
here in Brazil is forbidden to take any kind of coral, hermit crabs is prohibited by an industry dumping poison in the water can collect for your reef can not.
congrats on thread of the month... your photos and write-up are very entertaining and informational.
blue ringed octopus

blue ringed octopus

Those blue ringed octopus are so lethal it gives me shivers just looking at the picture.
Thanks for the correct ID. :thumbsup:

Now that you mention it. It doesn't curl up into a ball like the brittle stars.