How rare is this?

Good timing Mordoff,

It is now 3:26am as I am typing this. We have just got back and I have just had a shower and winding down. So might as well download some pics update this thread. :thumbsup:

Haha wow that was good timing. Loved the pics. Cant wait for the next ones.
We may be heading out again tonight. Depending on how we pull up today and if our mate is heading out as well.
Thanks very much for sharing. Once again, great photos and really glad to be "digitally" a part of the experience.


was this anemone attached to rock ?

yes the anemone is sticky.There are sand anemones in the area as well. The way we tell the difference is that the sand ones are slightly more stickier and the tentacles come off and stick to your fingers.
can you post a pic of one of these "sand anemones"?
Not sure if that one was attached to rock. The sand ones look almost the same and from memory their tentacles are thinner.
I must say you live in a pretty cool part of the world. I am pretty new to the reef hobby. I have really enjoyed this thread and will be looking foward to new posts!

Thanks for sharing mate!
Great pics LEWY, I live in Perth but work up north west W.A and get to explore areas like you ,It's unreal what you find out on the flats, it is illegal to take marine inverts & corals in W.A but great fun looking around .I'll get some pics next time I'm out there, found a cool decorator crab last time with 2 anemone on its back.

I live in this fantastic country and found myself equally captured by this thread. Well done to you Lewy on Thread of the month too!

Oh and FWIW, the Chinese tanker that spilled the oil was over the Great Barrier Reef which is in Queensland (I think about 120km east of Rockhampton - Google Earth it). Lewy lives in Darwin (Northern Territory) ... lovely part of the world for those who like the tropical weather ...

Anyway, I'll add my "wow awesome thread and please do keep the pics coming!" :clown:
What is the latest on the Chinese tanker?
(Is there a URL to a news story that is updated frequently?)

Has a lynch mob formed yet?