How rare is this?

Simply amazing thread! Thanks for sharing your population might be growing there due to thus thread. ;)
Some amazing threads on this site, but this one takes the cake. Simply amazing. Pretty wild to see where many of the corals in our tank actually live. I have to think those tide pool specimens would be the hardy ones.
I've just spent 2 hours reading this amazing thread, thanks very much for showing your part of the world. I'm off to bed now.
I have not posted here before but when I was told about this thread on another forum I had to check it out from page 1. I must say that your pic's are truely amazing! I would never want to leave the water and would have soooooo many tanks set-up. I am planning a anemone FOWLR type tank and would be in heaven there.

This thread well deserved to be Thread of the Month hands down.:beer:
This is one of my favorite threads, that's why I subscribed. I was directed here from our local forum site. Keep em coming Lewy!


This thread is full of win


wild black and white clownfish

wild black and white clownfish

I thought black and white clownfish (darwin's) were created in captivity in Austrailla and were not found in the wild. Is this not true?